2013年2月2日 星期六

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney



(德國之聲中文網)"我發現自己處於一個熟悉的位置上- 必須隨時作出反應。"
這段話相當符合國務卿的職務內容,但事實上,這是希拉里·克林頓1969年在韋爾斯利學院(Wellesley College's)的畢業典禮上發表的演講詞。而這番話也正是她的人生寫照。
比爾·克林頓在克林頓基金會年度會議上接受訪問時表示:"我建議她好好休養,然後決定自己在未來的人生中想要做些什麼。同時也思考(競選總統)對自己而言,以及對全美國、全世界而言,是否是正確的事……? 如果她認為是對的,那麼就應該去執行。"
希拉里傳記共同作者、美國東康涅狄格州立大學政治學教授克拉薩斯(Nicole Krassas)在接受德國之聲採訪時表示:"任何曾經花時間研究希拉里·克林頓的人都會說,她是希望成為美國總統的人。"
"2016年時她已年屆69歲。麥凱恩(John McCain)和鮑勃·多爾(Bob Dole)都面臨同樣問題。所以她也將此列入考量。"
當民主黨策略家尚在煩惱希拉里是否願意角逐公職時,共和黨已經做好迎接強敵的準備。美國國會眾議院前議長金里奇(Newt Gingrich)在談到克林頓夫婦的政治和募款影響力時警告道:"共和黨沒有能力在這樣的高度上競爭。"
曾經擔任知名共和黨人如施瓦辛格和麥凱恩顧問的麥克·默菲(Mike Murphy)則認為,金里奇的一番話過於誇大。他向德國之聲表示:"克林頓女士將會是非常強勁的對手。但是沒有參選人是所向無敵的,我們都知道,她在2008年時輸給了奧巴馬。"
年齡最終可能也不是限制因素。22歲的希拉里在1969年韋爾斯利學院的畢業致詞時選擇了同窗施萊貝納(Nancy Scheibner)的詩句作為結尾,這段話也能概括她的職業生涯:
作者:Conor Dillon 編譯:張筠青




   競選連任的歐巴馬以「前進 Forward」為號召,羅姆尼則以「相信美國 Believe in America」作為訴求。歐巴馬希望生活過得苦哈哈的美國人民不要停止改革,繼續支持他扭轉經濟危機,朝更美好的未來挺進;羅姆尼則是呼籲選民相信他, 相信他會帶領美國走出不景氣的泥沼。但10月3日的一場總統選舉辯論,讓具有在位優勢、並始終維持穩定領先的歐巴馬陷入五五波的拉鋸戰。



   2008年金融海嘯吞噬了美國經濟,迫使聯準會三度出手,以量化寬鬆貨幣政策救市,是歐巴馬連任的最大罩門,而出身上流社會的羅姆尼的菁英色彩也是他和 美國人民難以跨越的隔閡,美國公共電視「新聞前線」製作小組,在資深製作人麥可‧克拉克領軍下,花了將近一年的時間,探索歐巴馬和羅姆尼的成長過程和從政 經歷,透過親友、批評者和往來密切的同事,挖掘兩位候選人鮮為人知的世界。公視「主題之夜」將於美國大選投票前夕,播出最新紀錄片《決戰2012:誰入主 白宮》。
法新社倫敦1日電:備受尊崇的時事週刊「經濟學人」(The Economist)今天表態支持美國總統歐巴馬連任,然而熱情不若4年前。

 總部設在倫敦的經濟學人表示,相較於4年前,美國面臨更艱鉅的抉擇和負面競選策略更多的選戰,不過歐巴馬的共和黨對手羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)「無法勝任總統」。






Roberts Is Part of Majority Upholding Mandate

Victory for Obama, but Ruling Limits Medicaid Provision
The Supreme Court left standing the 2010 health care overhaul’s basic provisions, ruling that the government may use its taxation powers to push people to buy insurance.

Decision Preserves Obama’s Play for a Historic Presidency

With the central pillar of his agenda left intact, President Obama may yet join the ranks of presidents who fundamentally altered the course of the country.



Pete Souza/The White House

Mariana Bazo/Reuters
世界各地媒體的頭條新聞也不過是更加驗證了這位總統,或任何一位繼任者,所面臨的艱難處境。就連這個世界上最後的超級大國,對國際事務的掌控也是如 此的有限,而且有時候,它自己的前途也難免不受到嚴重影響。無論是歐債危機的餘波,還是巴格達的暴亂,美國現在很容易陷入首尾難顧的境地。
“兩個候選人都必須假裝美國總統在國際事務中的影響力比實際上要大很多,”外交關係協會的學者斯蒂芬·比德爾(Stephen D. Biddle)說。最典型的例子就是歐洲經濟危機,它對美國經濟有深遠影響,而美國對此卻基本上無能為力。
奧巴馬此次墨西哥20國集團峰會之行是他本月第三次參加國際峰會,任何一位在任總統都會被多頭事務牽扯精力,於此可見。奧巴馬在洛斯卡沃斯 (Los Cabos) 參會時,他的共和黨競選對手米特·羅姆尼可以去走訪那些在選舉中意見搖擺的州。“而我還有自己的工作要做,”奧巴馬上月在加利福尼亞的募捐活動上說。
然而,羅姆尼向奧巴馬全面發難的同時,也時不時提及外交政策,說奧巴馬是個失敗的總統。周六,他對一個保守黨聯盟說,在以色列問題上,他“只需看奧 巴馬怎麼做,然後反其道而行即可。”在哥倫比亞廣播公司的新聞欄目“面對國民”( “Face the Nation”)中,他還稱,在伊朗問題上,“為了阻止它給世界帶來核威脅,如果需要的話,我願意採取軍事行動。”
“這些危機都說明奧巴馬政府缺乏領導能力,” 目前任羅姆尼顧問的克里斯滕·西爾弗伯格(Kristen Silverberg)說,她曾是小布殊時期的國務院官員。“伊朗爆發抗議示威活動,他袖手旁觀; 在敘利亞問題上,他支支吾吾;他還告訴俄羅斯,我們的大選之後,他還會表現得更加 ‘靈活’。全球安全和世界經濟都取決於美國強有力的領導,以及一個相信美國在世界上所扮演的角色的總統。”
美國外交政策倡議 (Foreign Policy Initiative) 是一個保守派的組織,其執行主任傑米·弗萊(Jamie M. Fly)稱,越來越多的人認為,“現在需要的是美國的領導,而不是現任總統這種不敢為天下先的領導作風。正是這種外交政策,導致了我們在處理敘利亞衝突、 伊朗核問題、歐洲經濟危機和俄羅斯問題上的失敗。”
“羅姆尼又在歪曲奧巴馬對以色列的一貫支持,企圖藉此給自己的政治加分。”奧巴馬競選團隊的發言人本·拉博爾特(Ben LaBolt)在一次聲明中說。“我們和以色列的關係十分重要,容不得羅姆尼拿它當做政治加分的籌碼。”
美利堅大學國際服務學院(American University's School of International Servic)院長詹姆斯·戈德蓋爾(James M. Goldgeier)說,奧巴馬是繼約翰·肯尼迪總統之後“第一個真正捍衛國家安全的民主黨人。他的形象和作為都有領袖風範。所以,儘管歐元危機、敘利 亞、伊朗問題等等會給他帶來麻煩。但在外交上,羅姆尼的困難更多。”

In a World of Complications, Obama Faces a Re-election Test

WASHINGTON — For Barack Obama, a president who set out to restore good relations with the world in his first term, the world does not seem to be cooperating all that much with his bid to win a second.
That reality has been on vivid display in recent days. Europe has seemed unable to contain its rolling economic crisis to just Greece. The Syrian conflict has intensified as the United Nations suspended its observers’ mission amid the violence. Egypt’s popular revolution is at risk of being reversed by the military. And the Russians are cracking down at home and rattling sabers abroad.
Mariana Bazo/Reuters
A checkpoint Sunday in Los Cabos, Mexico, where Mr. Obama and other Group of 20 leaders will start meeting on Monday.
As President Obama left on Sunday for an international summit meeting in Mexico, the daunting array of overseas issues underscored the challenges for an incumbent who is trying to manage global affairs while arguing a case for re-election. Although American voters are not particularly focused on foreign policy in a time of economic trouble, the rest of the world has a way of occupying a president’s time and intruding on his best-laid campaign plans.
If anything, the dire headlines from around the world only reinforce an uncomfortable reality for this president and any of his successors: even the world’s last superpower has only so much control over events beyond its borders, and its own course can be dramatically affected in some cases. Whether from ripples of the European fiscal crisis or flare-ups of violence in Baghdad, it is easy to be whipsawed by events.
The trick for any president, of course, is in not seeming to be whipsawed, even as his challenger presents him as weak and ineffectual in shaping international events. If a president cannot stand tall in the world, the argument goes, he is not up to the task of governing in a complicated age.
“Both candidates have to pretend that the U.S. presidency is far more influential over events than it really is,” said Stephen D. Biddle, a scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations. The obvious example is the European economic situation, which has profound implications for the American economy but is largely out of American hands.
“But to admit this is to look weak or to seem to evade responsibility,” Mr. Biddle said. “So both candidates tacitly agree to pretend that their policies are capable of righting the American economy while their opponent’s would sink it, when the reality is that both are in thrall to foreigners’ choices to a degree that neither would acknowledge.”
Mr. Obama’s trip to Mexico for a gathering of the Group of 20 leaders is his third international summit meeting in a month, reflecting the pull of priorities for any incumbent. While he confers in Los Cabos, his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, will tour swing states. “I’ve still got my day job,” as Mr. Obama put it at a California fund-raiser last month.
The president will talk with European leaders about pulling out of the financial spiral after Sunday’s election in Greece, which gave the pro-bailout party a slim victory and the right to form a coalition government. He will also meet with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia just days after the Obama administration accused Moscow of supplying arms to Syria in its bloody crackdown on the uprising there.
Just as Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin meet for the first time as presidents, their underlings will sit down in Moscow for the latest round of talks with Iran that are intended to curb Tehran’s nuclear program. The optimism over these talks this spring seems to have faded into fears of a further impasse that would play into Iran’s hands.
Little of this has played out on the campaign trail. In the latest New York Times-CBS News poll, only 4 percent of Americans picked foreign policy as their top election concern. Over all, polls show Mr. Obama with a double-digit advantage over Mr. Romney on foreign policy.
Yet Mr. Romney has occasionally turned to foreign policy to bolster his broader attempt to portray Mr. Obama as a failed president. On Saturday, he told a conservative coalition that when it came to Israel, he would “just look at the things the president has done and do the opposite.” On the CBS News program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Mr. Romney said that on Iran “I would be willing to take military action, if necessary, to prevent them from becoming a nuclear threat to the world.”
Some Romney advisers said Mr. Obama was too willing to avoid accountability by presenting himself as a powerless bystander.
“These crises reflect an absence of leadership from the Obama administration,” said Kristen Silverberg, a former State Department official under President George W. Bush who is advising Mr. Romney. “He sat out the Iran protests, has faltered on Syria and let the Russians know he’ll be even more ‘flexible’ after our election. Global security and the strength of the global economy depend on strong U.S. leadership and a president who believes in America’s role in the world.”
Jamie M. Fly, executive director of the Foreign Policy Initiative, a conservative group, said there was a growing sense “that what is required is American leadership rather than the president’s leading-from-behind foreign policy that has failed to address an imploding Syria, a nuclearizing Iran, an economic crisis in Europe and a revanchist Russia.”
While foreign policy can pose its challenges, it has advantages for a president. Flying around the world on Air Force One to meet with the likes of Mr. Putin conveys a statesmanlike stature. It allows him to brush off criticism as just politics, as his campaign did with Mr. Romney’s comments about Israel over the weekend.
“Mitt Romney is yet again trying to score cheap political points by distorting President Obama’s record of support for Israel,” Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, said in a statement. “Our relationship with Israel is too important for Governor Romney to play politics with it.”
Mr. Obama assumes foreign policy will be an advantage for him, particularly because of his record of pulling troops out of Iraq, helping topple the government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, taking robust action against terrorists and authorizing the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
He is the “first real national security Democrat” since President John F. Kennedy, said James M. Goldgeier, dean of American University’s School of International Service. “He looks and acts like a commander in chief. So yes, the euro crisis, Syria, Iran, etc., can cause him problems. But Romney has his work cut out for him on foreign policy.”

New York Times 稱 Hillary Clinton為搖滾樂巨星般外交家 Rock Star Diplomat
可惜世局很複雜 她6個月之後的前途未卜

 美國/鐵人國務卿 希拉蕊出訪第100國

美國國務卿希拉蕊目前正在波羅的海國家拉脫維亞訪問,這是她出訪的第一百個國家,因此成為美國歷史上出訪國家最多的國務卿。圖為希拉蕊二十八日在拉國首府里加與該國總統貝爾琴斯(右)會談後接受他獻花,笑逐顏開。 (圖︰路透/文︰國際中心)

President Obama, Hillary Clinton 這兩人昔日爭民主檔美國總統提名 你死我活 現在修得正果

President Obama, Hillary Clinton top most-admired ranks

WASHINGTON — His party may have suffered a shellacking in November's elections, but President Obama remains the unchallenged champion on another front: For the third year in a row, he is by far the most-admired man.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton continues an even longer run, ranked in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll as the most-admired woman for the ninth straight year. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is second, as she was in 2009.
Despite Americans' unhappiness with the nation's politics, politicians dominate both lists. The top 10 men include not only the president but also three living former presidents. Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton take the top three spots.
Among women, nine of the top 11 are connected to politics through public service, political activism or marriage.
"It's all about power," says Richard Slotkin, professor emeritus of American studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn. "When we think of importance, we think politically, that's really clear — with religion a close second, though Bill Gates beats out Pope Benedict. It's almost like a register of power."
Not on either top 10 list: a Supreme Court justice, senator or House member, athlete or scientist.
Conservative commentator Glenn Beck edges ahead of the Dalai Lama, who ranks 10th. Gates, a philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft, stands just behind South African icon Nelson Mandela and just before Pope Benedict XVI.
Evangelist Billy Graham, tied for sixth, has made the top 10 every year the survey has been taken since 1955.
The top 11 women (three are tied for ninth place) counts four first ladies, including Michelle Obama in fourth place.
Celebrities Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie, both of whom pursue charitable causes, are on the list. Three of the women are leaders from abroad: Queen Elizabeth and former prime minister Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain and democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma.
Barack Obama's standing has fallen from the heady days after his election in 2008. That year, he was cited by 32%, a historic rating that trailed only Bush's percentage in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and President Kennedy in 1961.
This year, Obama was named by 22%, and Bush was named by 5%.
Some of the findings reflect a partisan cast. Obama is named by almost half of Democrats but just 6% of Republicans. Bush is the most-admired man among Republicans, cited by 11%. Hillary Clinton is cited by nearly a third of Democrats but just 5% of Republicans. Palin is the most-admired woman among Republicans, at 26%.
Not everyone has a hero. Twenty-five percent declined to name a most-admired man, and 22% didn't name a most-admired woman. About one in 10 chose a friend or relative.
The Dec. 10-12 survey of 1,019 adults has a margin of error of +/–4 percentage points.

據《今日美國報》(USA Today)和「蓋洛普民意測驗機構」(Gallup)廿七日公布的聯合民調,美國總統歐巴馬連續三年成為美國人民「最敬佩的男人」,國務卿希拉蕊.柯林頓更厲害,連續九年成為美國人民「最敬佩的女人」。  這項年度調查在十二月十日至十二日進行,要求一○一九位受訪的成年人舉出世界上誰是他們最敬佩的男性和女性,結果歐巴馬以二二%得票率三度掄元,不過他的得票率低於二○○八年的三二%和二○○九年的三○%。美國前總統布希和柯林頓今年則各獲五%和四%,分居第二與第三名。  希拉蕊自一九九二年以來,已十五次成為這個調查榜的冠軍,同時也完成九連霸,今年她的得票率為一七%,屈居第二的是近來人氣極旺的前阿拉斯加州州長裴林(一二%),第三名為電視脫口秀女王歐普拉(一一%),歐巴馬夫人蜜雪兒則以五%得票率排名第四。

 美醫改法合憲 歐巴馬連任利多

美最高法院外的歐巴馬醫改法支持者,二十八日聽到裁決有利歐巴馬後,興奮地高聲歡呼。 (路透)
五比四 最高法院支持歐版醫改法
〔編 譯張沛元、陳維真/綜合報導〕美國聯邦最高法院二十八日就歐巴馬總統版的醫療保險改革法是否違反美國憲法做出重大裁示,大法官以五比四的表決結果,裁定這 項攸關所有美國人未來數年健康醫療保障的「病人保護暨可負擔照護法」(PPACA)中,最關鍵也是爭議最大的強制投保規定並未違憲。此一結果堪稱歐巴馬在 大選年的一大勝利,反對該法的共和黨隨即發表聲明,強調要挽回國家於財政崩潰的狂瀾,只能寄望十一月的總統大選。
這 是繼二千年美國總統大選計票爭議以來,最受全美矚目的最高法院判決。歐巴馬推動的醫改法是美國醫療保險制度近五十年來的最大變革,也是歐巴馬第一任總統任 期的最重要政績,目的在於將三千多萬原本沒有保險的美國人納入醫保,降低不斷攀升的醫療支出,但遭共和黨人反對,理由是此舉將會擴大政府赤字,且該法強制 所有人納保的規定,形同擴大政府干預人民生活的權力,有違反美國憲法之虞。
九 名最高法院大法官在美東時間二十八日上午十時(台灣時間同日晚間十時),就這項被共和黨戲稱為「歐巴馬版健保」(Obamacare)是否違憲做出裁示。 保守派的首席大法官羅伯茲出人意料,支持另外四位自由派大法官的見解,將未按規定投保的罰則解釋為一種稅,而聯邦政府徵稅並未違憲。
強 制納保規定將在二○一四年生效,未投保者將受罰,買不起保險者可獲得補助,雇主必須替員工投保,保險公司也不能以投保人健康問題拒保,或因此索取較高保 費。最高法院支持歐版醫改法的消息傳來,道瓊指數大跌一百多點,大型保險公司應聲重挫,銀行股更是最大輸家,只有連鎖醫院的股價呈現上漲走勢。

A: 美國國會二○一○年通過歐巴馬提出的醫療保險改革法「病人保護暨可負擔照護法」(PPACA),為無保險的三千萬美國低收入戶提供健保給付,然因法案內容 強制要求美國人購買醫療保險,遭共和黨人視為代表其所痛恨的「大政府」、對美國人的日常生活橫加干預而強烈反對,因此本案也被視為對美國政府未來規模與走 向的一場公投。
A: 本案最主要攻防點在於「強制」。反對者聲稱,強制所有人購買醫療保險違反美國憲法,因若能強制所有人購買保險,是否也能強制所有人購買青花菜或美國車,以 促進健康與振興經濟?行政部門辯稱,根據憲法的「商務條款」(commerce clause),政府有權管理全國性的商務活動,舉青花菜加以比擬似是而非,因為醫療保險不是一個選擇,而是身為人之必需。
A: 有。共和黨人戲稱為「歐巴馬版健保」(Obamacare)的PPACA,要求所有州政府必須將原本針對低收入戶的「聯邦醫療補助」(Medicaid) 安全網,擴及收入在貧窮標準線一三三%以下的所有美國人,遭多州指控侵犯州政府對此議題的權限。這點獲得最高法院的認同。
A: 這項判決對歐巴馬而言是一大勝利。過去數年來他為了改革飽受保守人士批評。判決可望提振總統與支持者的士氣,並打擊共和黨準總統候選人羅尼。羅尼於麻州州 長任內曾提出相似的改革,但反對在全國實施。但這也可能替共和黨燃起一線希望:這項議題可在候選人之間點燃戰火,驅使反對醫改的人把票投給有望撤銷這項法 律的羅尼。

