2014年2月1日 星期六

習近平 Xi Jinping。姚文田計劃發行《中國教父習近平》




姚勇戰說這些走私指控和父親節儉的生活習慣根本不符,他希望引起公眾對此事的關注,從而最終幫助父親獲釋。香港報紙《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)第一個報導了姚文田被捕一事。
姚文田的兒子說,姚文田出生在中國西南部的四川省,1982年到香港定居。孟浪表示,姚文田在2006年創辦晨鍾書局(Morning Bell Press),出版中國異見人士、自由主義知識分子、流亡學者和被罷免官員的作品。
儲百亮(Chris Buckley)是《紐約時報》記者。



2013-01-16 Web only 作者:經濟學人

南 方周末事件似乎已然平息,但也沒有媒體自由化的跡象;共產黨領導階層依舊認為媒體自由並非揭發貪汙的工具,而是帶來混亂。90年代初期開始,中國的統治者 和被統治者之間,就有個不成文的協定,亦即只要被統治者不要求太多自由,統治者就會確保經濟繁榮。但現在中國民眾有了財富之後,也開始要求自由。
習 近平顯然了解民眾觀感的力量,特別是在官員貪汙和鋪張方面。他在巡視全國之時,儘可能避免奢華的宴會,媒體也以「四菜一湯」來強調他的節省和開明態度。但 口號已經再也無法安撫中國民眾,有張網路上支持《南方周末》的照片裡,十幾名男女舉著標語,上頭寫著「四菜一湯不上酒不是真改革,新聞出版自由才是真改 革」。(黃維德譯)

Chinese Leader Faces Test as Paper Battles Censors

BEIJING — Turmoil at a leading newspaper is posing an early challenge for Xi Jinping, pitting a pent-up demand for change against the Communist Party’s desire for a firm grip.

The man who must change China
Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping will soon be named as China’s next president. He must be ready to break with the past.
Oct 27th 2012 | from the print edition

JUST after the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which starts in Beijing on November 8th, a short line of dark-suited men, and perhaps one woman, will step onto a red carpet in a room in the Great Hall of the People and meet the world’s press. At their head will be Xi Jinping, the newly anointed party chief, who in March will also take over as president of China. Behind him will file the new members of the Politburo Standing Committee, China’s supreme body. The smiles will be wooden, the backs ramrod straight. Yet the stage-management could hardly be more different from the tempestuous uncertainties of actually governing.
As ruler of the world’s new economic powerhouse, Mr Xi will follow his recent predecessors in trying to combine economic growth with political stability. Yet this task is proving increasingly difficult. A slowing economy, corruption and myriad social problems are causing growing frustration among China’s people and worry among its officials.
In coping with these tensions, Mr Xi can continue to clamp down on discontent, or he can start to loosen the party’s control. China’s future will be determined by the answer to this question: does Mr Xi have the courage and vision to see that assuring his country’s prosperity and stability in the future requires him to break with the past?
Who’s Xi?
To the rich world, labouring under debt and political dysfunction, Chinese self-doubt might seem incongruous. Deng Xiaoping’s relaunch of economic reforms in 1992 has resulted in two decades of extraordinary growth. In the past ten years under the current leader, Hu Jintao, the economy has quadrupled in size in dollar terms. A new (though rudimentary) social safety net provides 95% of all Chinese with some kind of health coverage, up from just 15% in 2000. Across the world, China is seen as second in status and influence only to America.
Until recently, the Chinese were getting richer so fast that most of them had better things to worry about than how they were governed. But today China faces a set of threats that an official journal describes as “interlocked like dog’s teeth” (see article). The poor chafe at inequality, corruption, environmental ruin and land-grabs by officials. The middle class fret about contaminated food and many protect their savings by sending money abroad and signing up for foreign passports (see article). The rich and powerful fight over the economy’s vast wealth. Scholars at a recent government conference summed it up well: China is “unstable at the grass roots, dejected at the middle strata and out of control at the top”.
Once, the party could bottle up dissent. But ordinary people today protest in public. They write books on previously taboo subjects (see article) and comment on everything in real time through China’s vibrant new social media. Complaints that would once have remained local are now debated nationwide. If China’s leaders mishandle the discontent, one senior economist warned in a secret report, it could cause “a chain reaction that results in social turmoil or violent revolution”.
But, you don’t need to think that China is on the brink of revolution to believe that it must use the next decade to change. The departing prime minister, Wen Jiabao, has more than once called China’s development “unbalanced, unco-ordinated and unsustainable”. Last week Qiushi , the party’s main theoretical journal, called on the government to “press ahead with restructuring of the political system”.
Mr Xi portrays himself as a man of the people and the party still says it represents the masses, but it is not the meritocracy that some Western observers claim (see article). Those without connections, are often stuck at the bottom of the pile. Having long since lost ideological legitimacy, and with slower growth sapping its economic legitimacy, the party needs a new claim on the loyalty of China’s citizens.
Take a deep breath
Mr Xi could start by giving a little more power to China’s people. Rural land, now collectively owned, should be privatised and given to the peasants; the judicial system should offer people an answer to their grievances; the household-registration, or hukou, system should be phased out to allow families of rural migrants access to properly funded health care and education in cities. At the same time, he should start to loosen the party’s grip. China’s cosseted state-owned banks should be exposed to the rigours of competition; financial markets should respond to economic signals, not official controls; a free press would be a vital ally in the battle against corruption.
Such a path would be too much for those on the Chinese “left”, who look scornfully at the West and insist on the Communist Party’s claim—its duty, even—to keep the monopoly of power. Even many on the liberal “right”, who call for change, would contemplate nothing more radical than Singapore-style one-party dominance. But Mr Xi should go much further. To restore his citizens’ faith in government, he also needs to venture deep into political reform.
That might sound implausible, but in the 1980s no less a man than Deng spoke of China having a directly elected central leadership after 2050—and he cannot have imagined the transformation that his country would go on to enjoy. Zhu Rongji, Mr Wen’s predecessor, said that competitive elections should be extended to higher levels, “the sooner the better”. Although the party has since made political change harder by restricting the growth of civil society, those who think it is impossible could look to Taiwan, which went through something similar, albeit under the anti-Communist Kuomintang.
Ultimately, this newspaper hopes, political reform would make the party answerable to the courts and, as the purest expression of this, free political prisoners. It would scrap party-membership requirements for official positions and abolish party committees in ministries. It would curb the power of the propaganda department to impose censorship and scrap the central military commission, which commits the People’s Liberation Army to defend the party, not just the country.
No doubt Mr Xi would balk at that. Even so, a great man would be bold. Independent candidates should be encouraged to stand for people’s congresses, the local parliaments that operate at all levels of government, and they should have the freedom to let voters know what they think. A timetable should also be set for directly electing government leaders, starting with townships in the countryside and districts in the cities, perhaps allowing five years for those experiments to settle in, before taking direct elections up to the county level in rural areas, then prefectures and later provinces, leading all the way to competitive elections for national leaders.
The Chinese Communist Party has a powerful story to tell. Despite its many faults, it has created wealth and hope that an older generation would have found unimaginable. Bold reform would create a surge of popular goodwill towards the party from ordinary Chinese people.
Mr Xi comes at a crucial moment for China, when hardliners still deny the need for political change and insist that the state can put down dissent with force. For everyone else, too, Mr Xi’s choice will weigh heavily. The world has much more to fear from a weak, unstable China than from a strong one.
from the print edition | Leaders
Lhakpa Dolma, 74, center, and other Tibetans and supporters, take part in a demonstration outside the White House in Washington, Monday, Feb. 13, 2012, to draw attention to Tibet before an expected visit to the White House from China's Vice President Xi Jinping. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) 2月习近平访美,白宫前的声援藏人抗议
许多藏人认为,只有中国发生根本性的变革,西藏才有真正的希望。国际援藏网络的负责人、39岁的茨仁秋珠(Tsering Choedup)在达兰萨拉的会议期间向法新社表示:"中国政府每次领导人换届都带来新的希望。中国不可能永远一成不变,随着经济的开放,政治也要有所动 作。这可能需要时间。"
美国哥伦比亚大学的西藏研究者巴内(Robbie Barnett)教授认为,藏人可以期待的最佳结果是,习近平同意重启与藏人特使的谈判,上次是在2010年。


對台優惠 不是免費午餐


習近平時代 台灣怎麼辦?









Seriously questionable

Sep 11th 2012, 10:46 by T.P. | BEIJING
“I HOPE you will raise serious questions.”
This was the reply a spokesman for the foreign ministry, Hong Lei, gave on Tuesday afternoon at a press briefing in Beijing. His answer struck many of the reporters who had gathered for a regular daily session as rather odd, given that the question he had been asked seemed anything but frivolous. It was from a foreign reporter who, after noting accurately that Xi Jinping’s disappearance from public view in recent days had prompted many rumours, asked whether it was related to any instability within the Chinese government, and indeed whether Mr Xi was still alive.
A clear answer as to Mr Xi’s whereabouts or condition would have put the matter quickly to rest. But no such answer was forthcoming. Asked moments earlier whether Mr Xi had been injured or whether he was “fit and well”, Mr Hong replied tersely, “I have no information on that to provide to you.”
And with that Mr Hong was done. Reporters were not, but to all subsequent questions on the topic, Mr Hong replied simply that he had already answered.
Questions do linger, and not only about Mr Xi’s health. That in itself is of course a matter of great import. He is currently China’s vice president, looks a bullish 59 years old, and has been groomed as the man who in coming months will replace Hu Jintao, the outgoing president and Communist Party chief, to lead China for the next ten years.
Beyond the immediate questions about Mr Xi’s physical and political well-being loom other disturbing questions about the widening mismatch between China’s Leninist politics and black-box opacity on the one hand, and its growing economic and political importance on the other.
Last week, when Mr Xi cancelled a scheduled meeting with America’s visiting secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, it seemed possible that it was a snub designed to express dissatisfaction over policy disputes. But taking into account a meeting with the prime minister with Singapore, which was also cancelled, his non-appearance at a meeting with the Danish prime minister, where at least some people had expected him, and then another one that went by the board entirely—between Mr Xi and a Russian official—speculation ran wild in some of Hong Kong’s and Taiwan’s more freewheeling news outlets. An official account of a Central Military Commission session held on September 8th to discuss the earthquakes in Guizhou and Yunnan did not show him in attendance, though he is the CMC’s vice chairman. China’s information commissars responded to all this not with clearer explanations, but by blocking related search terms on the internet.
Among the tales spun from these mills were reports that Mr Xi had injured his back (while swimming or playing football—take your pick). Or that he had suffered a stroke. Or a heart attack (mild or severe—again, take your pick). Or that he was injured in a politically motivated attack while in his car. Or that he has merely been sidelined politically in last-minute manoeuvring in the delicate political transition process that is now under way.
These rumours bear repeating not because any have been reported with anything like corroborating information, but because they illustrate the nature of the information vacuum that China’s system produces, and the nature of what rushes in to fill it.
In the early 1980s, Soviet government spokesman drew ridicule every time they tried to explain away the prolonged disappearance of one of the USSR’s frail and elderly leaders. They tended to say that Yuri Andropov or Konstantin Chernenko had a cold. It was laughable, but also disconcerting for the rest of the world to be left in the dark as to who was running one of the world’s two nuclear-armed superpowers.
China is not only a nuclear-armed superpower today but also an economic and industrial behemoth. In a world where events and information move so much faster than they did in the days of Yuri Andropov and his head colds, simple questions about the condition and the whereabouts of a top leader deserve to be taken seriously.
(Picture credit: Wikimedia Commons, AFP)

 習近平神隱 吹皺接班春水(中央社記者江今葉紐約11日專電)中國大陸國家副主席習近平消失公眾面前多時。美國媒體表示,若他未能在近日內公開露面,中國國家主席胡錦濤可能會選擇繼續執掌軍權一段時間。
習近平在臨時取消與美國國務卿希拉蕊會晤後,又缺席與丹麥總理施密特(Helle Thorning-Schmidt)的公開會晤。坊間對他的健康狀況傳聞甚多,但大陸官方從不解釋。
「華爾街日報」(Wall Street Journal)今天引述消息人士的話指出,習近平的身體狀況並無大礙,也正在康復中,這從大陸其他高層仍按照既定行程訪視可以得到佐證。


國國家副主席習近平今年2月14日將邁出他進入國際舞台中心最重大的一步﹐屆時他將在首次以副主席身份正式訪問美國期間與美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)會晤。外界普遍預計習近平將於今年成為中國最高領導人。

Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
白 宮週一說﹐習近平將在華盛頓會晤奧巴馬和美國副總統拜登(Joe Biden)﹐另外還將訪問艾奧瓦州和加利福尼亞州。這一在人們普遍預料之中的訪問可能幫助他提升在中國國內的形象﹐同時給美國官員一個難得的機會﹐得以 在他接任中共中央總書記之前增進對他的瞭解。中國共產黨將於今年秋季舉行10年一次的領導層換屆。




Jeremy Page


Xi Jinping VOA.jpg
政黨中國共產黨 中國共產黨
國籍 中華人民共和國
出生1953年6月1日 (58歲)




  • 中共中央政治局常委
  • 中共中央書記處書記(排名第一),中華人民共和國副主席,中共中央黨校校長;
  • 負責中央書記處常務工作;
  • 中共中央軍委副主席,中國中央軍委副主席;
  • 中央黨的建設工作領導小組組長
  • 中央機構編製委員會副主任
  • 中央港澳工作協調小組組長
  • 主管黨的建設、出任中央港澳工作協調小組,主管香港及澳門事務;








2011年2月23日出席省部級領導幹部研討班結業禮,時值網民發起中國茉莉花革命後3天。習近平在結業禮發表講話,強調中央政府會加強社會管理,從源頭上化解社會矛盾、維護社會穩定、促進社會和諧。 習近平要求,各級領導幹部要以身作則,堅持群眾路線,增進同群眾的感情,要以正確的權力觀運用職權,在做好群眾工作中,發揮示範引領作用。[13]



