2021年3月1日 星期一

法國前總統薩科齊被判腐敗罪名成立Nicolas Sarkozy's campaign for the leadership , Francois Hollande , 薩爾科齊 再參選總統機會幻滅Scandal in France : Nicolas Sarkozy/ Herod_the_Great 大希律王


New parties are constantly sprouting up in Europe’s fertile political landscape. It is more unusual to find established parties taking on new names. Yet this is what Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president, has announced at a rally in Paris. As part of his bid to run again for the presidency in 2017, the irrepressible leader of the centre-right UMP has rebranded the party Les Républicains (The Republicans)http://econ.st/1eGDEiN
e Sarko show is back. Half of France is mesmerised, the other half dismayed. Nicolas Sarkozy's campaign for the leadership of the conservative UMP party begins tonight at a rally in Lambersart in northern France. Although he has not confirmed that he will run for a second presidential term in 2017, nobody doubts his intentionshttp://econ.st/1ysyaj  





(德國之聲中文網)週日(8月24日),法國政府猛烈抨擊了德國在歐元區推行的財政緊縮政策;一天后(8月25日),政府內閣宣布集體辭職。總理瓦爾斯(Manuel Valls)向總統烏龍(François Hollande)遞交了內閣辭呈。 瓦爾斯今年4月初剛剛接任總理職位
總統府愛麗舍宮的消息稱,奧朗德已經指示瓦爾斯盡快組建新內閣,後者將在周二公佈新內閣的名單。法國政府各部部長之間的分歧已經連續數月,在經濟及財政領域的分歧尤為嚴重。以經濟部長蒙特布爾(Arnaud Montebourg)為代表的左翼陣營不斷攻擊立場相對溫和的中間派社會黨人士。總理瓦爾斯上台後,並沒有控制住不斷高企的失業率。今年6月法國失業率達10.2%,為德國的兩倍。
經濟部長蒙特布爾(Arnaud Montebourg)一直以言辭尖銳著稱。在剛剛過去的周末,他猛烈抨擊了德國強勢主導的歐元區經濟政策,呼籲歐洲各國對此予以抵制。蒙特布爾說,法國根本不想听從"偏執的德國保守派的指揮",他還認為法國應改變經濟政策,重心因轉移到克服危機上來,而非整頓財政體系,"一味地削減赤字將導致財政繼續緊縮、失業率繼續高企。"
Hollande und Valls Archivbild 04.04.2014



更新時間 2014年7月1日, 格林尼治標準時間22:40
薩爾科齊前政府部長雅德(Rama Yade)說,「我期待民主運作,在尊重司法獨立及判決前無罪這兩個原則下工作,一個人無論是否是總統,都可以自辯,司法也會是公正。」
由左翼政黨執政的法國政府發言人勒佛(Ste'phane Le Foll)說:「司法調查應該進行到底,薩爾科齊與其他被調查的人士應受到同樣對待。」
左翼社會黨大巴黎區副主席德雷埃(Julien Dray)說,「當薩爾科齊受到司法調查時,他必需清楚解釋事件及自己扮演的角色。其實接受問話不代表有罪,只是給他機會交待事件,而且得到律師陪同。就讓司法部門好好工作吧,我們不應過早向法官施加壓力。」
右翼報章 《費加羅報》發表評論文章,標題為《薩爾科齊:重回政壇受阻或加速?》 。文章說,在這次薩爾科齊受到反貪腐部門調查的背後,其實顯示了人們在為下屆總統選舉做工作。
而左翼《 解放報》則引述右翼政黨大眾行動聯盟成員德伯(VALERIE DEBORD)的話說,「 這樣對待一名前總統實在太激烈了。每次薩爾科齊有意重返政壇時,立刻就會受到司法事件纏繞,如貝當古,卡拉奇事件等。這不單使他的支持者感到疲憊,如此利用司法整人的做法,現在連所有國民也開始感到厭煩,我更懷疑這是否是一個用國民名義還以公道的最佳做法。』
而《 世界報》則認為,薩爾科齊的政治生涯已受到六大事件威脅:
  • 達皮事件 - 2008年,薩爾科齊涉嫌向當時在任的部長拉格德施壓,使商人達皮得到有利交易。
  • 卡拉奇事件 - 1995年,當薩爾科齊任預算部長及右翼總理巴拉杜總統競選發言人時,巴拉杜與時任國防部長涉嫌從沙地阿拉伯及巴基斯坦在軍火交易中得到佣金資助競選活動。
  • 利比亞政治捐款事件 - 薩爾科齊涉嫌得到利比亞總統卡扎菲的財政資助其2007年總統競選活動。
  • 電話監聽事件 - 2007年總統競選利比亞資金司法調查,薩爾科齊涉嫌舞弊事先取得情報。
  • 貝當古夫人事件 - 薩爾科齊涉嫌利用歐萊雅集團大股東利利安貝當古夫人的體弱狀況,取得資助2007年總統競選的資金。
  • 總統府假民調事件 - 薩爾科齊任總統期間涉嫌製造有利自己的虛假民意調查。
薩爾科齊是被拘留調查的首位法國前總統,但他並非第一位受到司法起訴的前總統。2011年,法國前總統希拉克被判在任巴黎市長期間貪污罪名成立, 獲刑兩年監禁,緩期執行。

Out of Office, Sarkozy Remains Front and Center

Accusations of Libyan campaign donations and secret recordings keep Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president, in the headlines.

 Op-Ed ColumnistScandal in FranceBy PAUL KRUGMAN January 20, 2014專欄作者法國總統比外遇更大的醜聞保羅·克魯格曼 2014年01月20日I haven't paid much attention to François Hollande, the president of France, since it became clear that he wasn't going to break with Europe's destructive, austerity-minded policy orthodoxy. But now he has done something truly scandalous.我一直沒太注意法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德(François Hollande),自從明確了他不會偏離歐洲破壞性的、緊縮思維政策的正統觀念之後。但是他現在卻做了一件著實讓人震驚的事。I am not, of course, talking about his alleged affair with an actress, which, even if true, is neither surprising (hey, it's France) nor disturbing. No, what's shocking is his embrace of discredited right-wing economic doctrines. It's a reminder that Europe's ongoing economic woes can't be attributed solely to the bad ideas of the right. Yes, callous, wrongheaded conservatives have been driving policy, but they have been abetted and enabled by spineless, muddleheaded politicians on the moderate left.我說的當然不是他和一個女演員之間的所謂外遇,即便那是真的,也既不令人吃驚(法國人嘛),也不會讓人不安。不是那事,令人震驚的是他居然信奉名聲掃地的右翼經濟學教義。這提醒我們,歐洲持續的經濟困難並不能僅僅歸咎於右派的糟糕主意。不錯,那些冷酷無情、執迷不悟的保守派一直在主導著政策,但他們也一直受到那些沒有脊梁骨、糊里糊塗的中偏左政客的慫恿和支持。Right now, Europe seems to be emerging from its double-dip recession and growing a bit. But this slight uptick follows years of disastrous performance. How disastrous? Consider: By 1936, seven years into the Great Depression, much of Europe was growing rapidly , with real GDP per capita steadily reaching new highs. By contrast, European real GDP per capita today is still well below its 2007 peak — and rising slowly at best.目前,歐洲似乎在從其兩次探底的經濟衰退中復蘇,出現了一點增長。但是,這小小的一點起色是在經歷了好幾年的經濟災難性表現後才出現的。怎麼樣個災難法?回想一下就知道了:到1936年,也就是大蕭條的第七年,歐洲大部分地區都已在快速增長,人均實際GDP不斷達到新高。相比之下,如今歐洲的人均實際GDP依然遠低於2007年的峰值,充其量也只是在緩慢增長。Doing worse than you did in the Great Depression is, one might say, a remarkable achievement. How did the Europeans pull it off? Well, in the 1930s most European countries eventually abandoned economic orthodoxy: They went off the gold standard; they stopped trying to balance their budgets; and some of them began large military buildups that had the side effect of providing economic stimulus. The result was a strong recovery from 1933 onward.也許有人會說,比大蕭條時期表現得還差真是個非凡的成就。歐洲人是怎麼做到的呢?這麼說吧,20世紀30年代,大部分歐洲國家最終都拋棄了正統經濟教條:他們放棄了黃金標準;他們不再試圖平衡政府預算;有些國家還開始大量增加軍備,這種做法的一個副作用是提供經濟刺激。結果是1933年開始出現的強勁復甦。Modern Europe is a much better place, morally, politically, and in human terms. A shared commitment to democracy has brought durable peace; social safety nets have limited the suffering from high unemployment; coordinated action has contained the threat of financial collapse. Unfortunately, the Continent's success in avoiding disaster has had the side effect of letting governments cling to orthodox policies. Nobody has left the euro, even though it's a monetary straitjacket. With no need to boost military spending, nobody has broken with fiscal austerity. Everyone is doing the safe, supposedly responsible thing — and the slump persists.就道德、政治和人類的角度而言,現代的歐洲比那時的好多了。對民主的共同承諾給歐洲帶來了長期的和平;社會保障體系減輕了高失業率帶來的痛苦;協調行動遏制了金融崩潰的威脅。不幸的是,歐洲避免災難的成功卻帶來了一個副作用:那就是導致政府抱住正統教條不放。儘管歐元是一種貨幣桎梏,但沒有一個國家放棄它。沒有了增加軍費開支的需求,因此也沒有一個國家解除財政緊縮。每個政府都在做著安全、據說是負責的事,衰退也就一直在持續。In this depressed and depressing landscape, France isn't an especially bad performer. Obviously it has lagged behind Germany, which has been buoyed by its formidable export sector. But French performance has been better than that of most other European nations. And I' m not just talking about the debt-crisis countries. French growth has outpaced that of such pillars of orthodoxy as Finland and the Netherlands.在這種衰退和令人沮喪的環境中,法國並不是表現特別糟糕的國家。顯然,它落後於德國,後者一直由其強大的出口業支撐著。但法國的表現卻比其他大多數歐洲國家都好,我說的不只​​是那些處在債務危機中的國家。法國的增長已經超過像芬蘭和荷蘭這些嚴守正統理論的國家。It's true that the latest data show France failing to share in Europe's general uptick. Most observers, including the International Monetary Fund, attribute this recent weakness largely to austerity policies. But now Mr. Hollande has spoken up about his plans to change France's course — and it's hard not to feel a sense of despair.沒錯,最近的數據顯示,法國在歐洲整體出現起色時表現不佳。大部分觀察者,包括國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)在內,都把最近的脆弱表現在很大程度上歸咎於緊縮政策。但是,現在奧朗德開始大談他要改變法國未來方向的計劃,這卻未免讓人感到絕望。For Mr. Hollande, in announcing his intention to reduce taxes on businesses while cutting (unspecified) spending to offset the cost, declared, “It is upon supply that we need to act,” and he further declared that “supply actually creates demand. 奧朗德在宣布打算要對企業減稅,同時削減(不具體的)開支來平衡稅收的減少時說,“我們需要解決的是供給問題,”他進一步說,“實際上,供給創造需求。 Oh, boy. That echoes, almost verbatim, the long-debunked fallacy known as Say's Law — the claim that overall shortfalls in demand can't happen, because people have to spend their income on something. This just isn't true, and it's very much not true as a practical matter at the beginning of 2014. All the evidence says that France is awash in productive resources, both labor and capital, that are sitting idle because demand is inadequate. For proof, one need only look at inflation , which is sliding fast. Indeed, both France and Europe as a whole are getting dangerously close to Japan-style deflation.天哪。這幾乎與早就被證明是錯的薩伊法則(Say's Law)一字不差,該法則聲稱不可能出現整體的需求短缺,因為人們必須將收入花在某些東西上。這其實是不對的,從2014年初的現實問題來看,更是錯上加錯。所有證據都表明,法國的製造資源過剩,無論是勞動力還是資本,都因為需求不足而無用武之地。要證明嗎?只需看看通貨膨脹率,它在快速下滑。的確,在法國乃至整個歐洲出現日本式的通貨緊縮的危險越來越大。So what's the significance of the fact that, at this of all times, Mr. Hollande has adopted this discredited doctrine?不是在別的時候,而是在這種關頭,奧朗德採用那個名聲掃地的教條,有什麼意義呢?As I said, it's a sign of the haplessness of the European center-left. For four years, Europe has been in the grip of austerity fever, with mostly disastrous results; it's telling that the current slight upturn is being hailed as if it were a policy triumph. Given the hardship these policies have inflicted, you might have expected left-of-center politicians to argue strenuously for a change in course. Yet everywhere in Europe, the center-left has at best (for example, in Britain) offered weak, halfhearted criticism, and often simply cringed in submission.正如我說過的,這是歐洲的中偏左派無能為力的跡象。四年來,歐洲一直發著緊縮燒,其結果大多是災難性的;目前的一點起色被當作好像是政策的成功而慶祝,就說明了這個問題。考慮到這些政策給人們帶來的苦難,你可能會指望中偏左的政治家極力主張改弦易張。然而,在歐洲所有的地方,中偏左派充其量(比如在英國)只對那些政策提出了軟弱無力的批評,而通常則是簡單地畏縮屈從。When Mr. Hollande became leader of the second-ranked euro economy, some of us hoped that he might take a stand. Instead, he fell into the usual cringe — a cringe that has now turned into intellectual collapse. And Europe's second depression goes on and on.當奧朗德成為歐元區第二大經濟體的領導人時,我們當中有些人曾希望他也許會採取不同的立場。然而,他卻陷入了通常的畏縮,這種畏縮現在已經變成了智力崩潰。歐洲的第二次蕭條將繼續下去。

There is probably no such thing as a good time for a head of state to have his complicated private life splashed across the front pages. But the allegations about François Hollande's liaison with Julie Gayet, a French actress, have emerged at a particularly awkward moment for the French president http://econ.st/1hhYHEI




Hollande addresses French infrastructure in Bastille Day interview

Francois Hollande has said France needs to ensure upkeep of train lines after a derailment left six people dead. Earlier on Sunday, African troops marched alongside France’s military in the Bastille Day parade.
A main point in the French president's interview with top television journalists on Bastille Day was the train wreck that killed six outside of Paris on Friday.
"We must do much more to maintain traditional lines, existing lines," Hollande said during the interview. "The first conclusion we will draw is to ensure that, in the significant investments being made in the coming years, the priority is on traditional intercity lines," he added.
On Saturday afternoon, Pierre Izard, the SNCF railway's general manager responsible for infrastructure, had told reporters that investigators found that a joint had moved from its normal position, which may have caused the train wreck. However, officials also found that another train had traveled through the station without incident just before the wreck, and a further investigation would be carried out to determine why the joint may have malfunctioned when it did.
With his popularity at rock-bottom, Hollande, a socialist, used the interview to defend his 14 months in office since taking over from the conservative Nicolas Sarkozy.

'Recovery is here'
"The economic recovery is here," Hollande said during the television interview. "I will increase taxes only if necessary, ideally as little as possible," he added.
Hollande also used the interview to address economic issues such as how France would handle EU-mandated budget cuts planned for this year. These include proposed changes to France's pension schemes, which have already sparked calls from unions for general strikes.

No fracking
"As long as I am president, there were will be no exploration for shale gas," Hollande said. "We can see some consequences in the United States" from the technique, he added.
Hollande said that France would maintain its ban on the exploration for shale gas throughout his five-year term. He said the fracking technique used to extract shale gas presented too many "risks to groundwater."
Since 2011, France has banned energy companies from exploiting shale gas over fears of environmental risks from the potential air and water pollution involved in fracking.

And a parade
As France mourned the six killed near Paris, Hollande also commented on what he called the success of the country's first military intervention since he took office a year ago. "Their presence is a tribute to those who actively helped to banish terrorism of the Malian territory," Hollande said of the African troops marching in Paris.
"It's a victory that was won," Hollande said in the interview with the France 2 and TF-1 television stations in the garden of the presidential Elysee Palace. "Look at what happened. It was a victory for Africa, a victory against terrorism, and pride that
we must have."
" "I was saluted in Africa, not for what I said but for what I did," Hollande said of his visits to the continent this year.
In all, 4,800 troops marched past the presidential stage in central Paris, where Hollande stood next to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Bastille Day marks the July 14, 1789, storming of a prison that helped spark the French Revolution. This year, 241 horses, 265 vehicles, 58 planes and 35 helicopters participated. Among the assembled soldiers were German troops from Donaueschingen's 292nd Battalion and the German-French Brigade.
mkg/jm (Reuters, AFP)


The exhibition “Herod the Great: The King’s Final Journey” includes a reconstruction of his tomb, with his sarcophagus, center.
Jim Hollander/European Pressphoto Agency
Herod Exhibit in Israel Draws Anger
JERUSALEM — The Palestinian Authority says the exhibit “Herod the Great” violates international law because many of its objects are from the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 



