2013年8月26日 星期一

Jonathan Winters/ A Madman, but Angelic By ROBIN WILLIAMS

Jonathan Harshman Winters III (November 11, 1925 – April 11, 2013) was an American comedian, actor, author, and artist.

Jonathan Winters - publicity.jpg

Jonathan Winters in the 1960s
 喬納森·溫特斯英語Jonathan Winters,1925年11月11日-2013年4月11日),美國知名喜劇大師和影視演員。


喬納森·溫特斯1925年生於俄亥俄州代頓,高中時輟學加入美國海軍陸戰隊,並參加了第二次世界大戰[1],在太平洋戰區服役兩年半時間,戰爭結束後他返回家鄉進入凱尼恩學院(Kenyon College)學習,後進入代頓藝術學院(Dayton Art Institute)學習動畫專業,並在此遇到了艾利(Eileen Schauder),兩人於1948年9月11日結婚。


  1. ^ STEPHEN M. SILVERMAN. Jonathan Winters Dies at 87. 人物. 2013-04-12 [2013-04-17查閱].
  2. ^ 美國喜劇大師喬納森·溫特斯去世. 新華網. 2013-04-13 [2013-04-17查閱].


An Appraisal

A Madman, but Angelic



My father’s laughter introduced me to the comedy of Jonathan Winters. My dad was a sweet man, but not an easy laugh. We were watching Jack Paar on “The Tonight Show” on our black-and-white television, and on came Jonathan in a pith helmet.
是父親的笑聲把我帶入喬納森·溫特斯(Jonathan Winters)的喜劇世界。我爸爸和藹可親,但不輕易大笑。我們當時在黑白電視上觀看傑克·帕爾(Jack Paar)的《今夜秀》(The Tonight Show),喬納森戴着遮陽帽登場了。
“Who are you?” Paar asked.
“I’m a great white hunter,” Jonathan said in an effete voice. “I hunt mainly squirrels.”
喬納森·溫特斯(坐着的那位)和羅賓·威廉姆斯以及帕姆·道伯(Pam Dawber)在喜劇《莫克和明迪》中。
ABC, via Photofest
喬納森·溫特斯(坐着的那位)和羅賓·威廉姆斯以及帕姆·道伯(Pam Dawber)在喜劇《莫克和明迪》中。
“How do you do that?”
“I aim for their little nuts.”
My dad and I lost it. Seeing my father laugh like that made me think, “Who is this guy and what’s he on?”
A short time later, Jonathan was on Paar again. This time Jack handed him a stick, and what happened next was extraordinary. Jon did a four-minute freestyle riff in which that stick became a fishing rod, a spear, a giant beetle antenna, even Bing Crosby’s golf club complete with song. Each transformation was a cameo with characters and sound effects. He was performing comedic alchemy. The world was his laboratory. I was hooked.
不久之後,喬納森又上了帕爾的節目。這一 次傑克遞給他一根棍子,下面發生的事精彩極了。喬進行了四分鐘的即興表演,這根棍子跟着音樂一會兒變成了釣竿,一會兒變成了長矛,一會兒又變成了巨大的甲 蟲觸角,甚至還變成了平·克勞斯貝(Bing Crosby)的高爾夫球杆。每一段表演都是對角色和音效的精彩演繹。他表演的是喜劇鍊金術。這個世界就是他的實驗室。我迷上了他。


Not only was Jonathan funny on TV, but his comedy albums are also auditory bliss. One of my favorite routines involved a mad scientist who sounded like Boris Karloff. But instead of creating a Frankenstein, he made thousands of little men that he unleashed on the world. His shocked assistant cried out, “What are they looking for?”
喬納森不僅在電視上很有趣,他的喜劇錄音 專輯也是聽覺盛宴。我最喜歡聽的其中一個節目是關於一個瘋狂科學家的,他聽起來像鮑里斯·卡洛夫(Boris Karloff)。他沒有製造出一個弗蘭肯斯坦式的怪物,而是製造了成千上萬個小男人,他把他們放到了人世間。他的助手驚呼道:「他們在尋找什麼?」
The professor replied, “Little women, you fool.”
He also created comic characters like Maude Frickert and the overgrown child Chester Honeyhugger. In one classic pre-P.C.-era routine, he had Maude being molested by a huge farmhand. She protested, “Stop, I’m church people.” After he had his way, he was off to do his chores, and she called out, “Don’t be long.”
他還創作出了一些喜劇人物,比如莫德·弗 里克特(Maude Frickert),以及老小孩切斯特·哈尼哈格(Chester Honeyhugger)。像電腦誕生之前的經典故事套路一樣,他讓一個高大的農場工人調戲莫德。她反抗道:「住手,我可是信教的人。」他得手之後,離開 去幹活,她喊道:「不要離開太久。」
Mort Sahl said Jonathan was seen as a great improviser, but to him he was just being himself. He was a rebel without a pause, whether he was portraying the WASP who couldn’t get a decent martini in Mombasa or the cowboy who couldn’t ride a horse and backed out of frame. Jonathan’s wife, Eileen, maybe had the best quote. She said that Jonathan went through his terrible 2’s but that they lasted 20 years.
莫特·薩爾(Mort Sahl)說喬納森是個偉大的即興表演者,但是在他本人看來,他只是在做自己。他一直都很叛逆,不管是扮演一位在蒙巴薩(Mombasa,肯雅第二大城 市)找不到像樣的馬提尼酒的盎格魯撒克遜白人新教徒,還是扮演不能騎上馬揚塵而去的牛仔。也許還是喬納森的妻子艾琳(Eileen)說得最準確,她說喬納 森艱難地度過了他兩歲那一年,不過那一年持續了20年。
In 1981, my sitcom “Mork & Mindy” was about to enter its fourth and final season. The show had run its course and we wanted to go out swinging. The producers suggested hiring Jonathan to play my son, who ages backward. That woke me out of a two-year slump. The cavalry was on the way.
1981年,我的情景喜劇《莫克和明迪》(Mork & Mindy)即將開拍第4季,那也是最後一季。這部劇即將走完它的旅程,我們打算全力以赴。製作人們建議邀請喬納森扮演我的兒子,這個人物是越長越年輕。那個建議把我從兩年的消沉中拉了出來。騎兵登場了。
Jonathan’s improvs on “Mork & Mindy” were legendary. People on the Paramount lot would pack the soundstage on the nights we filmed him. He once did a World War I parody in which he portrayed upper-class English generals, Cockney infantrymen, a Scottish sergeant no one could understand and a Zulu who was in the wrong war. The bit went on so long that all three cameras ran out of film. Sometimes I would join in, but I felt like a kazoo player sitting in with Coltrane.
喬納森在《莫克和明迪》中的即興表演堪稱 經典。有他出場的夜晚,派拉蒙片場的人擠滿了我們的攝影棚。其中有一段關於「一戰」的諷刺片段,他在其中扮演英國上流社會的將軍們;操着倫敦腔的步兵們; 一個蘇格拉中士,他的口音沒人能聽懂;一個祖魯人,他打仗找錯地方了。那場戲演了很長時間,所有三個攝影師的膠捲都用完了。有時我也會加入,但我像是班門 弄斧。
On one of his first days on the show, a young man asked Jonathan how to get into show business. He said: “You know how movie studios have a front gate? You get a Camaro with a steel grill, drive it through the gate, and once you’re on the lot, you’re in showbiz.”
No audience was too small for Jonathan. I once saw him do a hissing cat for a lone beagle.
His comedy sometimes had an edge. Once, at a gun show, Jon was looking at antique pistols and a man asked if he was a gun proponent. He said: “No, I prefer grenades. They’re more effective.”
Earlier in his life, he had a breakdown and spent some time in a mental institution. He joked that the head doctor told him: “You can get out of here. All you need is 57 keys.” He also hinted that Eileen wanted him to stay there at least until Christmas because he made great ornaments.
Even in his later years, he exorcised his demons in public. His car had handicap plates. He once parked in a blue lane and a woman approached him and said, “You don’t look handicapped to me.”
Jonathan said, “Madam, can you see inside my mind?”
If you wanted a visual representation of Jonathan’s mind, you’d have to go to his house. It is awe-inspiring. There are his paintings (a combination of Miró and Navajo); baseball memorabilia; Civil War pistols and swords; model airplanes, trains, and tin trucks from the ’20s; miniature cowboys and Indians; and toys of all kinds.
We shared a love of painted military miniatures. He once sent me four tiny Napoleonic hookers in various states of undress with a note that read, “For zee troops!”
But the toys were a manifestation of a dark time in his life. Jonathan was a Marine who fought in the Pacific in World War II. When he came home from the war, he went to his old bedroom and discovered that his prized tin trucks were gone.
He asked his mother what she did with his stuff.
“I gave them to the mission,” she said.
“Why did you do that?”
“I didn’t think you were coming back,” she replied.
Jonathan has shuffled off this mortal coil. So here’s to Jonny Winters, the cherubic madman with a stick who touched so many. Damn, am I going to miss you!
Robin Williams is an Oscar-, Emmy-  and Grammy-winning actor and comedian.  He recently completed filming “The Angriest Man in Brooklyn” and is in production on “A Friggin’ Christmas Miracle.”
本文作者羅賓·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)是一名喜劇演員,曾獲得奧斯卡獎、艾美獎和格萊美獎。他最近剛完成《布魯克林最憤怒的男人》(The Angriest Man in Brooklyn)的拍攝,正在製作《該死的聖誕節奇蹟》(A Friggin』 Christmas Miracle)。

