2014年12月3日 星期三

Dr. Mark Thelin 練馬可教授、甘耀明,曹銘宗,吳健柯,翠芬,東海大學的人與書(131-135 xxvii) :

東海大學的人與書(135) :
柯翠芬(1957- ),台灣省台中人,台灣東海大學中文碩士。曾任東海大學中文系講師,成功大學中文系助教(以翻譯寫作爲專業),遊學于美國後于輔仁大學兼任講師教授中國現 代文學。現爲專業作家。得過國內若幹文學大獎;並曾爲國內著名漫畫林政德寫過漫畫腳本;且常有短篇小品文散見各大報。
 柯翠芬的寫作文 類以散文及短篇小說爲主,特別精擅言近旨遠的短文,在平居歲月的瑣屑萃取出的回味與關照,情意綿渺,深遠豐贍,令人咀嚼不盡。在創作態度上,始終堅持以專 注的態度,隨緣的選擇題材,才算是對自己的生命負責。文字風格簡淨而淡遠。著有散文作品《隨吟記》、《兩岸桃花》、《法國故事》、《貓蚤居事件簿》2000、《水 色漸漸》1999等書。

 本書集結柯翠芬二十多年來驗證生命的體悟與感應的散文,大多是得過文學獎或發表在報章副刊的文章。全書分為三卷:窗外的風景、感官記憶、流浪貓的腳印子。  第一卷〈窗外的風景〉有居住的記憶、舊時老家的變遷與流轉和現時與貓蚤同居的不安定歲月;第二卷〈感官記憶〉記錄著與親人、朋友、身體、感官之間的對話,細膩綿邈;第三卷〈流浪貓的腳印子〉印記了生命中流浪的心情,感情豐沛。
《水 色漸漸》1999
 本書是作者十餘年來諸多小品的集結,分為「紅塵記事」、「心靈花園」、「世間溫情」三卷,收藏了作者來自心間的浮世情懷與生活的感動,關於家人,關於友人,關於偶遇的路人,關於城市,關於飛鳥游魚……;心靈的觸動,在其敏銳感應下,化成輕盈飛動的文字,闖入你我冷淡已久的塵封心間,勾動一種對於人間世的相思情感。 編入六張彩色圖,作者為這六張圖寫作了如詩美文,成為因圖而完成的即興創作。

東海大學的人與書(134) :吳健


  華通電腦從全台印刷電路板「龍頭」廠、「英特爾」事件的慘痛洗禮,到目前仍能屹立不搖,董事長吳健(4屆化工系,1962年畢)一向穩健、務實的企業經營理念,是最大功臣。   「成者為王、敗者為寇」是不變的真理。台股風雲中,多少大小企業已被淘汰出局,華通以一家毫無財團背景、又是微利化的印刷電路板(PCB)廠,在三年付出稅前虧損近百億元代價後,如今還能在市場占有一席之地,恐怕不多見。

  吳健出身彰化望族,東海大學化工系畢業,曾是味全公司最年輕的生產技術課長,唯一和PCB能扯上邊的就是化工學歷;和全台大多數PCB廠領導人來自美 商安培(Ampex)、日商日立化成等台灣PCB「搖籃」迥異;尤其相對於欣興電子、南亞電路板有聯電、台塑財團的背景,吳健能讓華通在台灣、全球PCB 業占有一席之地,有其獨到經營之處。......(詳細內容請見:經濟日報,龍益雲報導,2009-12-27)

東海大學的人與書(133) :


東海大學的人與書(132) :

甘耀明   東海大學中文系、東華大學創英所畢業。出版小說集《神秘列車》、《水鬼學校與失去媽媽的水 獺》,教育書《沒有圍牆的學校》(與李崇建合著)。

東海大學的人與書(131) :
Dr. Mark Thelin 練馬可教授

 Two Taiwanese Villages, an interdisciplinary study conducted by the faculty and students of Tunghai University, by Mark C. Thelin, 1976  
Dr. Mark Thelin  練馬可     理想、創造性和東海大  譯   中央日報 1971.11.01-02-03

    練馬可老師1933年出生於福州,身為傳教士的第二代,他22歲從奧柏林學院畢業之後,便帶著愛來到台灣,1955年十月抵達東海,和七名志願新生、司機 一起幫忙搬東西,開始了在東海44年的歲月--1999年退休返回美國。他成立了全台灣第一個社會系,並且開創了東海當年聞名的「工作營--在貧乏的年代裡,是一群大學生對社區環 境人群貢獻與付出的記號--深深影響了東海的文化。

陳續升在「追憶練老師」相簿新增了 7 張相片。
「  我們對於一所美善的大學──這是可以定義的──的理想來自過去許多世代的經驗,然而這種理想的內涵卻不為過去的經驗所限。我們要致力把目前的活動和經驗加以塑造,使之適合我們的理想,而這種塑造直到目前都是辦得到的。 

50分鐘 · 

Tsaiman Clare Ho 新增了 2 張相片 — 在 Grinnell, Iowa

十月份去美國時,回程特意安排了前往愛荷華州去探望練老師夫婦。從台灣的工作退休後,他們到英國Durham讀了有關考古學的碩士學位。那年是2000年左右,我也去探望他們。當時他們借住在東海外文系另一個老師Howard在Durham的家。也許一百年的老房子在英國並不稀罕,但充滿古意,很對我胃口。有一個景像,我永難忘懷。有一晚忽然睡不著,半夜醒來,從閣樓的斜窗往外望,一輪明月安靜地掛在夜空,皎潔的月光照耀著Durham 那個有名的大教堂。它們離我好近好近,我的心變得很安靜。

從英國回到美國後,練老師他們分別拜訪了東岸、西岸與中部的三個退休社區,最後選了位於中部的Grinnell。按照他們的描述,的確是三者當中最好的,不但年長者的獨立生活空間受到尊重,醫療、再教育等設備大概也是最accessible的。Grinnell College 步程可達,兩位老人家積極安排自己的生活,常常去聽演講跟音樂會。待在那裡五六天左右的我,盡量參與他們的活動,想看看年長者的生活或是美國所謂的退休社區是什麼樣子。大概是每周二左右,他們兩會去參加一個遊戲活動,叫Trivial Pursuit,就是類似機智問答,但是題目多屬於冷門或是主流上無關緊要的知識。遊戲分成兩隊,分為南跟北(我們通常都是黑跟白隊,分成南北不知道跟美國南北戰爭有無關係),互相搶答。比如,其中有一題是三文魚(鮭魚,我受了香港人影響了,竟然說成三文魚)肚中靜脈的顏色是什麼?這一題練老師答對了,答案是黑色。Grinnell College是很好的學校,也很貴,非常具有人文特色。台灣日治時期培養出來的精英之一,陳炘就是這裡畢業後,再去讀哥倫比亞大學的。


上面那張圖拍攝地,是練老師他們的住宅。說到這個退休社區與計劃,應該也挺有意思。房子的土地本身是May Flower協會所有。房子則是練老師出資所蓋。若他們離世,可以將房子拍賣,所得大概八成歸練老師夫婦的財產指定繼承者,其餘二成歸May flower。照片裡倚靠在他們旁邊的是Whitey,是隻流浪狗,本身也很有故事性。她來自韓國喲,因為主人搬往他洲,原先找到別的人家收養,結果自己逃了出來,流浪了四個月,熬過了嚴苛的冬天,是練師母有耐心、愛心,漸漸培養她的信任下,終於馴養了她。我到的那幾天,每天早上,她都當我是陌生人一樣,總會對我吠幾聲。有一天,我考慮兩個老人家辛苦,自願單獨帶她去溜溜。好不容易說服她跟我出門,才走了2個blocks,她就趴在那裡,怎樣不肯跟我再前進。我只得順著她,乖乖往回走,帶她回家。

Oberlin Spirit Forever in Tunghai

Presented at the Oberlin Shansi Centennial Celebration
Oberlin College, Ohio USA

Dr. Haydn Chen, President
Tunghai University
Taichung, Taiwan

May 23, 2008

I am honored and so pleased to stand here giving tribute to the many Oberlin Shansi Reps who are here tonight, along with their spouses and family. Before starting my speech I would like to do one thing that I have promised my colleagues and alumni back home in Taiwan, so I beg your pardon. “Would all the Shansi Reps, their spouses and family members, who had set foot on Tunghai University before, please stand up?” (Over 20 of them stood up.) Please accept our heartfelt warm applause and appreciation. “Now, I want to follow the Chinese tradition to take three solemn bows to show my deepest respect and appreciation to all of you for what you have done for the young men and women in Tunghai University.”

Looking back at the beginnings of Tunghai University in the early 1950s when it was just a dusty hill, I can just imagine the immensity of the pioneering work our forefathers had put into building Tunghai University. Since then Tunghai has grown and gained the reputation of being one of the premium universities in Taiwan. Many of our alumni have been in the forefront as leaders in their fields not only in Taiwan, but also internationally. We owe this in part to the contributions Oberlin College has made in shaping Tunghai during its early years.

Aside from 24 years of association with the Oberlin Shansi Reps from 1955 to 1979, there are two important contributions I would like to mention. The first one is the construction of the Oberlin Student Center. President Wu Teh-Yao and Oberlin Shansi representatives, Judith Manwell, Nien Lung Liu, Elena and William Speidel, witnessed the ground breaking ceremony in 1958. It was built with a capital grant from the Oberlin Shansi Memorial Association (now known as Oberlin Shansi). The center is comprised of a post office, auditorium, grocery store, school supply store, snack bar, social lounge, music practice rooms, activity rooms for student organizations and bookstore. Especially in the early days of Tunghai, seven miles away from the nearest city, the center served as a most appreciated addition. Tunghai life bustled around the student center to this day.

The second contribution is the Oberlin Shansi Program. The Shansi Association sent young Oberlinians to teach English and participate in extracurricular activities at our campus. Miss Lenice Krull was one of the first two Shansi representatives to come to Taiwan during 1954 - 1956. She was an assistant at the Foreign Language Department at Tunghai. She came at a time when the campus was mostly under construction. This was her first impression of Tunghai which she wrote in a letter addressed to me at the occasion of Tunghai’s 50th anniversary in November 2005. “I was the first of the Oberlin Shansi teachers to come! I stood on that bare hill when there was nothing there but the red earth. A year later there were five of us, working with the first seven newly arrived male students, moving furniture through doors and windows of the first dormitories, dodging workers who were painting and polishing and connecting water pipes up until the last minute.” A year later, there were more Shansi reps on campus, namely David Elder, Hod and Marylyn Briggs, etc. Another Shansi representative, Dr. Mark Thelin, stayed in Tunghai for close to 40 years. He eventually became the chair of the Sociology Department. During his term, he fostered talented students to excel. He also created work camps to help the community outside the campus. He enabled students to not only develop intellectually but also to be willing to take social actions. He created a paradigm wherein everyone, regardless of status or station in life, worked together to create a democratic campus culture.

Oberlin College, ranked #20 at the 2008 Top Liberal Arts Colleges according to the U. S. News & World Report, is also known for its pioneering achievements. It was the first institution to allow black students to enroll. It is a leader in the democratic process. It advocated altruism, motivating every graduate to become involved in selfless endeavors. This spirit has been carried out to this day at Tunghai.

Because of your contributions, Tunghai has developed a rich campus culture with aspects of freedom, laboring, caring, pioneering and innovative spirit. Tunghai is the first university in Taiwan to allow students to set up a student body government. The Student Labor Program is a unique facet of Tunghai’s educational methodology that has been in practice since the founding of the school. It is my hope that this kind of whole person education and fulfillment of ideals will have a long life at Tunghai.

In closing, I want to thank the Oberlin Shansi Program and congratulate her for its centennial celebration. I want to express my appreciation, along with the Tunghai University administration and her alumni, to all the Shansi Reps and their family who had set foot on the beautiful campus of Tunghai University. You have touched many hearts and changed many lives. In return, the Tunghai experience perhaps had also changed your perspectives toward life and career. For all of you who were there at Tunghai between 1955 and 1979, we are eternally grateful.  And for all the future Shansi Reps, who we hope would return to Tunghai after their absence since 1979, you are most welcome.

