2014年8月19日 星期二

蘇雨桐、澤林、the Tiananmen Initiative Project/ Bill Bonner, th/丸善日本橋店"書之博物館"管理員


澤林,原名弗蘭克·澤林(Frank Sieren),又譯名弗蘭克·西仁。1967年生,1994年曾作為德國《經濟周刊》記者任職北京,目前是德國之聲評論員。




作為德國之聲的記者,蘇雨桐也參與了聯署。6月11日,蘇雨桐在推特上說:"我以一個公民對澤林的文章提出抗議,也是聯署人之一,德國之聲台長今天委託發言人就這個聯署抗議回信, 其中稱澤林是著名作家、記者,西方社會的政治家和社會人士很重視他;我的回應:施密特也是著名總理,他為六四開槍辯護時我也提出反對。"










澤林先生說"我們可能永遠不會知道,25年前北京到底發生了什麼", 而"西方單方面誇大事實描述該事件"。所以他稱1989年那一場令許多人在國家機器下喪失生命的事件為"一次歷史上的失足"。並教育他的讀者:"在西方,我們用了數百年的時間發展了一種法制和公正理念,這一理念建立在舉證義務的基礎上,並用來區分一時疏忽還是有意而為、個案還是連環作案、尤其旨在避免株連。 "他說:"不是要誇大或描清某個事件,而是強調公平對待每一個人,也包括那些曾有不公行為和如今仍在犯錯的人。"









美国历史学教授斯蒂芬·莱文(Stephen Levine)日前出资建立“六四事件”纪念网站,并在全球发起公开“六四真相”行动。
(德国之声中文网)日前,美国蒙大拿大学(Montana State University)历史学教授斯蒂芬·莱文(Stephen Levine)出资建立"六四事件"纪念网站,并在全球范围内发起公开"六四真相"行动。该网站向数百家高校和机构发出了倡议。

倡议书表示:"2014年6月4日是北京大屠杀二十五周年纪念日。二十五年前的这一天,中国军队受命于中共( CCP )最高领导人对成百上千手无寸铁的中国公民进行屠杀。全世界把这天称为'天安门大屠杀'。1989年4月中旬,数以百万计的和平示威者和支持者在北京游 行,抗议官员贪腐、要求经济公正、呼吁中国独裁政治体制民主化。在中国各地近200个城市也举行了类似的示威游行。统治者感到游行对其垄断权力的威胁,在 邓小平领导下的中共将此和平示威定性为反革命暴动。他们不但不与示威者进行积极的对话,反而对他们采用致命的武力手段。虽然中国社会自1989年后更加" 开放‘,但当局禁止在国内对六四进行公开的讨论 。现在是打破这一沉默的时候了。"

倡议书还表示:"我们以下的签字者在工作和生活上和中国有着千丝万缕的联系,对中国的美好未来非常关切。我们认为需要对中国的过去进行坦诚和公开的讨论。 为此,我们呼吁在世界各地的学校、大学、民间组织、基金会、研究机构、非政府组织和类似实体在2014年4月15日和6月4日之间大力赞助并召集各项活 动,以宣讲会、讲座、纪念游行、新闻发布会和其他适当形式纪念'六四'二十五周年,在悼念死难者的同时,让公众了解在1989年的春天在中国所发生的一切 及'六四'对其后的中国政治进程所产生的重大意义,同时就促进目前正在进行的关于在中国真正政治改革的紧迫性展开讨论。"

德国之声查阅该网站,有来自美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、台湾清华大学、法国高等研究应用学院(École Pratiques des Hautes Études)等上百位学者签署支持。


"天安门母亲"成员之一的张先玲,其子王楠在1989年"六四事件"中遇难时仅19岁。张先玲在接受德国之声采访时,表示每到节日,尤其是春节,会更加思 念在"六四事件"中身亡的儿子,确信其他的"天安门母亲"也与他们一样,在内心的煎熬和对亲人的思念中,守护着这段记忆和历史。

采访电话突然中断,张先玲告诉德国之声,她和"天安门母亲"群体成员的电话始终都被有关部门监听和干扰,国家试图封锁真相和他们对真相的讲述,也正因此, 她对国际社会上无数支持澄清"六四真相"的人表示感谢:"今年25周年了,大家能够不忘记,我就非常感谢了,感谢大家25年来没有忘记这件事情,希望能坚 持下去,守着这份记忆,做着我们应该做的事,我也坚信有一天会还历史的本来面目。"

去年"六四事件"24周年时,张先玲将 王楠的遗物,包括他遇难时佩戴的头盔、眼镜以及横幅标语、绝食证明、死亡证明、火化证明等,交给香港支联会公开展出,希望能让民众见证这段历史。

张先玲也向德国之声表示,中国当局在"六四问题"上,不变的回应是:"党和国家已经做出定性,现在没什么好说的"。"天安门母亲"群体多次致信中国两会及最高领导人,要求和官方对话,向当局提出"真相、赔偿、问责" 诉求,均石沉大海。

张先玲认为近年世界各国政府,为与中国进行经济上的合作,越来越少提及"六四"这个中共执政者的硬伤,而愈显政治强硬态度的中国政府,也越来越不重视外界 对他们迟迟不予"平反六四"的谴责:"松动不太容易,只要国内稳定,外面的舆论压力不再有很大的作用。新执政者上来后,大家对他们都有个期望,但现在看来 期望变成失望。"

据悉"天安门母亲"群体将在三月份之后,不断推出一系列的纪念"六四"活动。去年8月,旅美的"八九民运"前学生领袖王丹、民主人士胡平等发起了 "天下围城""六四25周年纪念"行动 。该活动的另一位重要参与者、旅美新媒体人北风早前接受德国之声采访时表示,面对"六四25周年"的各种纪念活动,中国当局大规模压制是可以预见的。

Former UM professor looks to raise awareness of Tiananmen massacre

January 20, 2014 6:00 pm  • 
(1) CommentsIn a rare quiet moment during a Christmas gathering this past week a friend confided, “This is always a hard time for me. Even though my sons … Read more

It’s a big undertaking, but Steven Levine says he’s up to the task, and when the 25th anniversary of the Chinese massacre in Tiananmen Square rolls around this spring, he hopes to have the world’s attention.

Levine, a retired University of Montana history professor and former associate director of the Mansfield Center, has launched a campaign to raise awareness both in China and abroad regarding the June 4, 1989, massacre.
Carried out by regular troops acting on the orders of the Chinese Communist Party, the event left an estimated 300 demonstrators dead in Beijing, and it eroded any hope of achieving an open government.
“It marked a real turning point in Chinese politics,” Levine said. “Back in 1989, there was real hope for political reform and that the communist regime would open up.”
Levine, an expert in Chinese politics and American-East Asian relations, watched the event unfold on television while in Tokyo, and it has haunted him ever since.
Last summer, Levine called a friend at Columbia University to ask if any organized international events had been planned to commemorate the 1989 massacre. The friend wasn’t aware of any such an undertaking, so Levine began to organize, and the Tiananmen Initiative Project was born.
“I think we’re all human beings, and whether we’re Americans or Chinese, we share certain common goals for freedom and liberty,” Levine said. “I think people all over the world should meddle in each other’s business when trying to improve a situation.”
The Tiananmen Initiative Project looks to nudge China toward acknowledging the event and its “unfulfilled promise of genuine political reform.”
The Chinese Communist Party remains firm in its dismissal of the Tiananmen affair. It has banned talk on the subject, Levine said, and it continues to describe the revolt as a counter-revolution organized by manipulators.
“They chose to employ deadly force rather than engage in constructive dialogue,” Levine wrote on the project’s website. “The authorities have prohibited any public discussion of what in Chinese is referred to simply as ‘liu si’ (June 4). It’s time to break that silence.”
Levine has called on colleagues across the U.S., Asia, Europe and Canada to help break that silence. He has since amassed more than 60 signatures, a list that includes professors from UM, Stanford and Stony Brook universities, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, among many others.
A member of the Global Center for Advanced Studies has signed on, as has a retired diplomat from the United Kingdom, and a retired member of the U.S. Foreign Service.
“I’ve also been sending out letters to Confucius institutes, including the one at UM,” said Levine. “They’re funded by Beijing and the Chinese government to teach Chinese language and culture, and they’re supposed to steer away from anything controversial.”
Levine’s allies include Chase Maxwell, a Hellgate High School graduate who attended Tufts University in Boston. Maxwell joined Levine in developing a website for the project two months ago while working at the Mansfield Center.
“We’ve developed a great website rich with tons of resources,” said Maxwell. “We’ve had a ton of web traffic and it has increased over the past two months.”
Levine attributes much of that traffic to the 300-plus letters he has mailed to world affairs councils and Asian studies centers. They plan to submit articles to national and international papers, and ask lawmakers in all 50 states to pass a resolution commemorating the event.
They’re also challenging Confucius institutes across the country to mark the Tiananmen massacre as one that’s relevant to Chinese history. Levine is preparing letters for centers across Europe as well, each translated for the specific country in which the centers are located.
“I’m waiting to see, in part, where there’s any response,” said Levine. “I don’t expect any from the Confucius institutes. But I’m pointing out that they’ve failed in their mission to live up the name of the great Chinese philosopher.”
Levine noted the pending appointment of U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., to the post of U.S. ambassador to China. While Baucus has not been confirmed to the post, Levine would like to see Montana’s senior senator bring attention to China’s record on human rights.
“It hasn’t been at the top of our national agenda for some time now,” Levine said. “It’s all economics, jobs and trade, which is understandable. But the political situation also needs to be addressed, and I hope he’ll do it.”
To find out more about Levine’s efforts, visit the Tiananmen Initiative Project at june4commemoration.org.

近30年前我曾在丸善日本橋店 (www.maruzen.co.jp  不知何故無內容)

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