2014年1月10日 星期五

邵逸夫 Mr.Run Run Shaw,The Shaw Prize, Elizabeth Jane Howard,


Luck Chan游常山的朋友) 也回應了游常山近況
Luck 寫道: 「影视大亨(邵逸夫)港首位娱乐业者1977年获英女皇封爵为香港娛乐业,爵士,的第一人,与新加坡关系友好,李光耀写给方逸华的吊唁中写道,邵逸夫的见解,每次都址他获益不浅,新加坡总统陈庆炎也Fb上衰悼,邵逸夫对新加坡贡献多,他的干劲,敏锐的洞察力和运见,都深感佩服,不图一官半爵从不牟私利,中国方面习近平,对邵逸夫辞世表示哀悼,一生热爱国家,关心民祉,慷慨捐赠,惠及多方,还有前总理温家宝也亲笔写唁电,表杨邵逸夫长期对国家教育,科技等项目的贡献,相信他会永远铭刻在人们人中……敬爱邵逸夫爵士…安息…永留人间的超爱人物! 」

hc: 奇怪的是: 很少人寫邵氏想媲美諾貝爾獎所設的大獎.


The Shaw Prize is an international award to honour individuals who are currently active in their respective fields and who have recently achieved distinguished and significant advances, who have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research or applications, or who in other domains have achieved excellence. The award is dedicated to furthering societal progress, enhancing quality of life, and enriching humanity's spiritual civilization.

Preference is given to individuals whose significant work was recently achieved and who are currently active in their respective fields. The Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards: the Prize in Astronomy, the Prize in Life Science and Medicine, and the Prize in Mathematical Sciences. Each prize carries a monetary award of one million US dollars. The nomination process begins in September, the winners to be announced in the summer and the prizes presented in autumn in the following year.
The Shaw Prize, established under the auspices of Mr Run Run Shaw in November 2002, is managed and administered by The Shaw Prize Foundation based in Hong Kong.

候選人近期的成果及仍從事於有關的學術領域將獲優先考慮。 「邵逸夫獎」設有三個獎項,分別為天文學獎、生命科學與醫學獎和數學科學獎,每項獎金一百萬美元。提名及評審程序於每年九月開始,翌年夏季宣佈得獎人名單並於同年秋季舉行頒獎典禮。


The Shaw Prize was established under the auspices of Mr Run Run Shaw. Mr Shaw, born in China in 1907, is a native of Ningbo County, Zhejiang Province. He joined his brother's film company in China in the 1920s. During the 1950s he founded the film company Shaw Brothers (Hong Kong) Limited in Hong Kong. He was one of the founding members of Television Broadcasts Limited launched in Hong Kong in 1967. Mr Shaw has also founded two charities, The Sir Run Run Shaw Charitable Trust and The Shaw Foundation Hong Kong, both dedicated to the promotion of education, scientific and technological research, medical and welfare services, and culture and the arts.

Run Run Shaw in 1978 with his wife and daughter. Mr. Shaw and his older brother were movie pioneers in Asia, producing and sometimes directing films and owning cinema chains.
Central Press, via Getty Images

Run Run Shaw, Movie Mogul, Dies at 106

Mr. Shaw, a Hong Kong media mogul whose name was synonymous with low-budget action and horror films, is largely credited with inventing the kung fu genre.

點解叫Run Run Shaw?

 邵逸夫生前對慈善工作不遺餘力,經常捐錢予教育機構,不少院校都有教學大樓或圖書館等建築物,以「邵逸夫」命名。但何解「邵逸夫堂」的英文名,會是Sir Run Run Shaw Hall呢?

原來生於大清時期的六叔,原名邵仁楞,「Run Run」是由「仁楞」(粵音零)的拼音而來,「逸夫」只是他的號。

不過Run Run來源亦眾說紛紜,多年前邵逸夫接受黃霑訪問,就提起他聽到的一個版本,他說:「我在當office boy,老闆常常揮手叫我跑過去:"Run!Run!"於是我的英文名字變成Run Run。」



2014年 01月 07日  11:44  電視廣播有限公司宣布,公司榮譽主席邵逸夫爵士7日早晨在家中昏倒送醫不治,享年107歲。

  • 邵逸夫一生傳奇,為人景仰。(網路圖)


邵逸夫的傳奇多多,拍攝了中國第一部有聲電影,見證了中國電影從默片到有聲、從黑白到彩色的全部歷史。同時,他還以個人財產成立「邵氏基金」,為大 陸内地教育事業捐款達25億港元,再加上他在英國、美國、新加坡及香港等地的巨額捐款,在古今捐資助學史上,可稱為當之無愧的第一人。
邵逸夫在1958年於香港成立邵氏兄弟電影公司,拍攝過逾千部華語電影,另外他旗下的電視廣播有限公司(TVB,慣稱無線電視)亦主導著香港的電視 行業, 多年來佔據香港的收視領先地位。1977年,他獲得英國女王伊莉莎白二世册封為爵士,成為香港娛樂圈獲「爵士」頭銜的第一人。
邵逸夫出身富家,但本身也有一套成功之道,包括勤奮苦幹、知人善任等。屬電影天才的他,過去辛勤苦學,經過不斷努力下,他對於電影的剪接、攝影、編 劇及導演等,無不精通,這對其事業發展深有幫助。邵逸夫對於年輕一代,曾提出這樣的忠告:「現在的年輕人心很高,學問也很深,但是不能夠吃苦,是一大缺 憾。」

1987 年,黃美珍于病逝於美國,享年85歲。她與邵逸夫的婚姻維持了整整50年。雖然因為邵逸夫忙於事業,每天都「只休息一個小時」,與妻子相守的時間不多,但邵逸夫是長情的人,妻子在他心目中的地位無可替代,為了追憶亡妻,那一年,邵氏公司停業了一年。
但邵逸夫晚年一直有個遺憾,苦於未能找到接班人,後來他宣布出售手中持有的所有TVB股份。這個交易備受關注,包括商人陳國強、台灣威盛集團董事長 王雪紅等在内的財團,全數收購邵氏兄弟所持有的1.14億股,約占26%的TVB股權,可是公司副主席及董事總經理「六嬸」方逸華仍持有0.26%股權。
Elizabeth Jane Howard, 'Jane' to all who knew her, was an English writer of great originality and honesty. Only at the end of her long life did she receive the recognition she deserved. "I feel like I've been playing second fiddle my whole life," she said a few weeks before her death. "Now I'm playing first violin and I quite like it." http://econ.st/1f3g8uS

  1. Elizabeth Jane Howard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Elizabeth Jane Howard, CBE, FRSL (26 March 1923 – 2 January 2014), was an English novelist. She had previously been an actress and a model.
  2. News for Elizabeth Jane Howard

    1. Telegraph.co.uk ‎- 17 hours ago
      Martin Amis revealed he would not be the novelist he is today if it were not for his stepmother, the late author Elizabeth Jane Howard.

  3. Elizabeth Jane Howard | Books | The Guardian

    www.theguardian.com › CultureBooks
    Latest news and comment on Elizabeth Jane Howard from the Guardian.

  4. Elizabeth Jane Howard obituary | Books | The Guardian

    www.theguardian.com › CultureBooksElizabeth Jane Howard
    4 days ago - For much of a career spanning more than 60 years, the writer Elizabeth Jane Howard, who has died aged 90, suffered a certain condescension ...

  5. Elizabeth Jane Howard - obituary - Telegraph

    www.telegraph.co.uk › NewsObituaries
    4 days ago - Elizabeth Jane Howard was an acclaimed novelist who drew on her miserable childhood and spectacular misfortune with men.

