2023年7月9日 星期日

Janet Yellen耶倫Yellen Urges China to Step Up Climate Finance Investments。午餐會(Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Lunch with Women Economists and Entrepreneurs in Beijing)(的成員Keyu Jin 新書"What the world can learn from China's innovation playbook的說法...... Voldemort ( Harry Potter villain ), Simone de Beauvoir《第二性》







READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Lunch with Women Economists and Entrepreneurs in Beijing
July 8, 2023

BEIJING — Today, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen hosted a lunch in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, with women economists and entrepreneurs. The participants discussed the Chinese economy and opportunities to increase the representation of women in the workforce, including in leadership positions. The Secretary underscored that women’s participation in the workforce is one of the major drivers of creating inclusive growth. She also noted that women’s contributions to economics, in particular, are important to help ensure that economic research and policymaking appropriately reflect society’s priorities.


TED 新書介紹。 我看完它,說這是中共的核心利益之說客....

What the world can learn from China's innovation playbook

https://ted.com › talks › keyu_jin_what_the_world_can_l...


In the last few decades, China has gone from technological scarcity to abundance. What sparked this shift? Economist Keyu Jin explores how ...





美國擁有很多女權學者,女性主義、LGBTQ、Transgender,令英語世界的年輕婦女越來越以肥和醜為主流,因為左膠批判所謂的Slut-shaming (這個學術名詞,各位可以自己Google),但中國的女性,風格完全與西方左膠崇尚的相反,在英美老男人支配的院校,they speak a different bodily language.

耶倫像一個慈祥的祖母,和她的一群中國孫女兒們家庭團聚場面很溫馨。用英文來說:The grey-haired Yellen looks like having a warm family union dinner with her lovely Chinese grand-daughters.

陶傑披藏:什麼叫做Gender Politics








据路透社报道,英国《卫报》(Guardian)周三(1月8日)称,它的网页在中国被封,原因不明。《卫报》称,多天来,该报未发表可能会被北京当局定义为“危险”的有关中国的报道。美国政府此前已就在华外国媒体受到限制表示忧虑。在中国,互联网受到严格审查。 中共当局定期封锁持批评性立场的外国媒体网页。因报道中国前总理温家宝家族坐拥巨额财产,美国《纽约时报》和彭博通讯社的网页被中国当局封锁已经超过一年。路透社和《华尔街日报》的中文网页去年年底亦曾一度遭屏蔽。“脸书”和“推特”等社交网站被封已经数年。

可能70年代台灣就有從英譯本 (這書的翻譯問題是醜聞)重譯的《第二性》.....
「婚姻是聯合兩個獨立的完整個體,而不是一個附合,一個退路;也不是一個逃避或一項彌補。」by西蒙波娃 紀念女權運動先驅--西蒙波娃106年前的今天誕生 至少在今天,讓自己好好想一想如何拒絕成為第二性的女人。

Simone de Beauvoir: Google doodle celebrates a feminist icon

French feminist writer given pride of place on search engine's home page on what would have been her 106th birthday
Simone de Beauvoir google doodle
Detail from Simone de Beauvoir Google Doodle on 9 January 2014, on what would have been her 106th birthday.
Google has celebrated what would have been the 106th birthday of the French feminist writer Simone de Beauvoir with a Google Doodle on the search engine's home page.
Born Simone-Lucie-Ernestine-Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir on 9 January 1908 in Paris, De Beauvoir is best known for her book The Second Sex, one of the most important works of 20th-century feminism, and novels such as She Came to Stay and The Mandarins.
De Beauvoir had a lifelong partnership with Jean-Paul Sartre, which did not exclude other relationships. She said the absence of marriage and children allowed her to pursue her studies and writing.
The doodle features an image of the writer in front of Parisian street buildings with canopies, which suggest the Cafe de Flore in the 6th district of Paris with which Beauvoir and Sartre were associated.
Beauvoir and Sartre were proponents of the philosophy of existentialism and both edited the magazine Les Temps Modernes. De Beauvoir edited it until her death in 1986.


Yellen Wins Backing of U.S. Senators to Lead the Fed

The U.S. Senate confirmed Janet L. Yellen as the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, marking the first time that a woman has led the country’s central bank.
(中央社台北7日電)美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)副主席葉倫(Janet Yellen)出任聯準會主席人事案今天獲參議院表決過關,可望於2月1日走馬上任。以下是葉倫主要政策挑戰:


















日本驻英国公使林景一(Keiichi Hayashi)在英国《每日电讯报》上发表文章,称中国才是小说《哈利·波特》中的“伏地魔”。

Chinese and Japanese ambassadors trade Voldemort insults in row over shrine visit

China and Japan have both been compared to the Harry Potter villain Voldemort in a bizarre war of words between ambassadors.

It follows Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s appearance at the Yasukuni Shrine last month, which sparked outrage in China and South Korea.
The countries see the shrine, which honours convicted war criminals among Japan’s war dead, as a symbol of Japanese occupation in the Second World War.
Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming dealt the first blow in an opinion piece published in the Daily Telegraph last week.
He wrote: “In the Harry Potter story, the dark wizard Voldemort dies hard because the seven horcruxes, which contain parts of his soul, have been destroyed.
“If militarism is like the haunting Voldemort of Japan, the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo is a kind of horcrux, representing the darkest parts of that nation’s soul.”
Magical horcruxes were used by “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” to become immortal by storing parts of his soul.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe waves to wellwishers upon his arrival at the Ise shrine in Ise, Mie prefecture Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe waves to wellwishers upon his arrival at the Ise shrine in Ise, Mie prefecture The controversial article urged Britain to remember Japan’s defeat in the Second World War and accused “some people” in Japan of posing a “serious threat to global peace”.
China-Japan tensions: Chef crashes balloon near disputed islands
In a response published in today’s Telegraph, Japanese ambassador Keiichi Hayashi, wrote: “There are two paths open to China. One is to seek dialogue, and abide by the rule of law.
“The other is to play the role of Voldemort in the region by letting loose the evil of an arms race and escalation of tensions, although Japan will not escalate the situation from its side.”
China's Liaoning aircraft carrier completes sea trials
He called militarism a “ghost” from Japan’s past and insisted the country had exercised “utmost restraint” in disputes over the East China Sea, where he argued Chinese ships had repeatedly intruded into Japanese territorial waters surrounding the Senkaku - or Diaoyu -  Islands.
Japan has controlled the uninhabited archipelago since 1895 but China also claims the islands.

