2015年11月7日 星期六

Yves Carcelle, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt

Alexander von Humboldt had an insatiable curiosity for the natural world, a "perpetual drive" for knowledge that felt as if he was being chased by "10,000 pigs". Andrea Wulf's new book argues that he was the greatest scientist of the 19th century

Why a Prussian scientific visionary should be studied afresh

“I have always admired him," said Charles Darwin, "now I worship him.” Alexander von Humboldt, who pioneered the science now used to study climate change, was born on September 14th 1769. From the archive: http://econ.st/1KakPQ4

AMID this year's flurry of scientific jubilees, one seems to have passed largely unnoticed. On May 6th admirers celebrated the 150th anniversary of the death of...

Naturalist and geographer Alexander von Humboldt was born‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1769. Here's a drawing of him from the collectionhttp://ow.ly/B3LJV
Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (About this sound listen ; September 14, 1769 – May 6, 1859) was a Prussian geographernaturalist, and explorer, and the younger brother of the Prussian minister, philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt(1767–1835). Humboldt's quantitative work on botanical geography laid the foundation for the field of biogeography.
Between 1799 and 1804, Humboldt travelled extensively in Latin America, exploring and describing it for the first time from a modern scientific point of view. His description of the journey was written up and published in an enormous set of volumes over 21 years. He was one of the first to propose that the lands bordering the Atlantic Ocean were once joined (South America and Africa in particular). Later, his five-volume work, Kosmos(1845), attempted to unify the various branches of scientific knowledge. Humboldt supported and worked with other scientists, including Joseph-Louis Gay-LussacJustus von LiebigLouis AgassizMatthew Fontaine MauryGeorg von Neumayer, and most notably, Aimé Bonpland, with whom he conducted much of his scientific exploration.



Martin Bureau/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

巴黎——伊夫·卡塞勒(Yves Carcelle)是一位富於領袖魅力的執行官,曾一手將路易威登從古板的法國手包和旅行箱製造商改造為世界最為知名的奢侈品牌之一。他於周日在巴黎逝世,享年66歲。
1997年,他招來馬克·雅可布(Marc Jacobs)為路易威登設計鞋履和成衣,此外還為路易威登增添了腕錶、珠寶和配飾系列。
卡塞勒於1989年作為戰略領導者加盟LVMH,1990年,他當上路易威登的主席和首席執行官,當時公司的名字還叫路易威登馬利蒂(Louis Vuitton Malletier)。1998年,他開始主管LVMH時尚集團,不僅經管路易威登,還要負責其他許多著名品牌,包括羅意威(Loewe)、賽琳(Céline)、紀梵希(Givenchy)、唐納·卡蘭(Donna Karan)、高田賢三(Kenzo)、伯魯提(Berluti)、芬迪(Fendi)和托馬斯·平克(Thomas Pink)。2002年,身為時尚界領袖的他後退一步,轉而專註於路易威登的發展。
2012年,他從路易威登退休,繼任者西班牙商人若爾迪·康斯坦斯(Jordi Constans)一個月後便因健康原因辭職。最終這個職務由法裔美國商人,LVMH集團任職多年的高管邁克爾·伯克(Michael Burke)接任至今。
今年年初之前,卡塞勒一直是路易威登創意基金的副總裁,這是一座價值數千萬美元的博物館,位於巴黎郊區,由弗蘭克·蓋瑞(Frank Gehry)設計,將展出LVMH集團收藏的眾多當代藝術。該館計劃於下月開館。卡塞勒還是LVMH集團總裁伯納德·阿諾特(Bernard Arnault)的顧問,也是法國奢侈品行業遊說團法國精品行業聯合會(Comité Colbert)的成員。
據《女裝日報》(Women's Wear Daily)報道,卡塞勒尚在世的親人包括妻子麗貝卡(Rebecca)以及他們的兩個兒子,還有他上一次婚姻中的三個孩子。
Vanessa Friedman於紐約對本文有報道貢獻。

Yves Carcelle, former chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton, died yesterday (Sunday 31 August), aged 66.
The French businessman had been battling with a rare form of kidney cancer.
Bernard Arnault, chairman and chief executive of LVMH, the company that owns the luxury fashion house, issued the following statement:
 “It is with great sadness and emotion that I learned of the death of Yves Carcelle, a tireless traveller,” he wrote. “Yves was the image of the house that he so long embodied: A pioneer, always curious, passionate, on the move. He was one of the most inspiring leaders I have ever met. LVMH today lost one its dearest friends.”
He joined Louis Vuitton in 1989 as strategic director, becoming chairman and CEO in 1990. He was instrumental in hiring Marc Jacobs as creative director in 1997, who was then only an emerging designer but went onto launch ready-to-wear as a product category.
Among his achievements for the label was Carcelle’s decision to launch eyewear and fine jewellery. Along with Jacobs, he was responsible for helping turn the brand into one of LVMH’s most lucrative and famous fashion brands.
In 2012, he was replaced as CEO by Jordi Constans, instead taking the role as vice chairman of art museum Fondation Louis Vuitton - which will open in October in Paris. He also remained as an LVMH executive board member.
Carcelle is survived by his wife, Rebecca, and his five children.

