2016年5月3日 星期二

社會生態學家 Peter Drucker: The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition《》

妻讀了我寫的 Peter Drucker ,說想讀 My Years with General Motors。她說她也是『經營者』…..

敬弔 現代經營學、社會觀察大師 Peter Drucker
200511121955NHK廣播知道先生仙逝。(日美影響力、 員工是資產、 1965年三等瑞寶勳章……
Peter F. Drucker, a Pioneer in Social and Management Theory, Is Dead at 95

我在1990-91年教東海化工系,就是用Peter Drucker的『管理學』(ManagementTasksResponsibilities, Practices [Peter F. Drucker],台灣1973約有三種翻譯),那時版權在聯經,現在天下將它分成3本書出版:博客來-杜拉克:管理的使命......。不過,我也讀過,有人說『管理學』也只是泛泛之言而已。

今天,看到廖月娟譯的先生《旁觀者:杜拉克回憶錄》(Adventures of a Bystander by Peter Ferdinand Drucker 1993重新發行)在大陸的機械工業出版社發行(台灣約10年前舊書)。
約半年前,我收聽先生的50分鐘收音機訪談。先生諄諄告誡美國人: 世界已經是多強國之局勢…….
約十年前,先生是少數可以用email The Economist 澄清觀點的人。
H. A. Simon的回憶錄上提過,與你等主講” (?)世銀亞洲論壇。
先生稱 W. E. Deming  Ed.。你說,他對美國經營界有很深的挫折。

昨天,談 Sloan先生的 My Years With General Motors,引:「杜拉克在回憶錄上一章:「史隆的專業風彩」。1970s他為在發行的 My Years with General Motors 寫序。


亞佛瑞史隆(Alfred Sloan)所著的《我與通用汽車》(My Years with General

We tend to think of Drucker as forever old, a gnomic and mysterious elder. At least I always did. His speech, always slow and measured, was forever accented in that commanding Viennese. His wisdom could not have come from anyone who was young. So it's easy to forget his dashing youth, his long devotion to one woman and their four children (until the end, Drucker still greeted his wife of 71 years with an effusive "Hello, my darling!"), or even his deliciously self-deprecating sense of play.



The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition

Peter F. Drucker - 2011 - ‎Business & Economics
"Zum Sehen Geboren; Zum Schauen Bestellt" (Born to SeeMeant to Look) sings the look-out in Goethe's Faust. This, I think, is the motto of the social ecologist  ...

(Richard Brem A little bit of nitpicking -- Drucker was actually quoting Goethe here. It's a famous line from the 'Lied des Lynkeus' or 'Türmerlied' (Song of Lynceus, the Watchman) in the third act of 'Faust, Part 2':

'Zum Sehen geboren / Zum Schauen bestellt / Dem Turme geschworen / Gefällt mir die Welt' (in English also sometimes translated as: 'To see I was born / To look is my call / To the tower sworn / I delight in all'))


2015.10.14,我在紀念W. Edwards Deming的講座上要談 Peter Drucker 與Dr. Deming 在紐約大學商學院的交往。
 Peter Drucker 生前出書約40本,有早年傳記《旁觀者》。不過我認為1993年出版的The Ecological Vision 《社會生態學的靈視》也很可以看出他的本色: Peter Drucker自稱為一位社會生態學家,詳下。


The Ecological Vision (1993)8部的引言它說一輩子的文章探討的是社會不過他18-191928年在工讀時讀到齊克果恐懼與顫抖醒悟到人還有更基本的存在的維度希望在他一輩子成功的社會方面的論述之後還可進而指出其理論的限制

****** Peter Drucker 說這寓言取自Chaucer的作品,不過我多年來未找到其出處:

Is your team cutting rocks or building a cathedral?
You’ll have heard the story, I’m quite certain. In short, this simple tale features three stonemasons, each doing the tedious, back-breaking job of carving rocks. The first one is cutting rocks because he needs the money. The second is doing the job because he perceives himself to be the best stone-cutter around. The third is hammering away with zeal and, when asked what he is doing, answers with ‘I am building a cathedral.’
This ‘Parable of the Three Stonecutters’, made famous by Peter F Drucker in his 1954 book, ‘The Practice of Management’, remains one of the most powerful illustrations of the challenges faced by Leaders today: how do you create the environment within which your stonemasons are motivated to reach beyond the task in hand and connect with the broader vision?

Peter Drucker: The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition

Fritz Mauthner、1849年11月22日 - 1923年6月29日 的《語言學批判》





   彼得·F. 德魯克,管理學科的開創者,被尊為“大師中的大師”、“現代管理學之父”, 他稱自己是“社會生態學家”。他的思想被傳播到了130多個國家,對社會學和經濟學的影響頗為深遠,其著作架起了從工業時代到知識時代的橋樑。1909年德魯克生於維也納的一個書香門第,1931年獲得法蘭克福大學國際法博士學位,1937年移居美國,一生以教書、著書和諮詢為業。2005年11月11日,德魯克在加州克萊蒙特的家中溘然長逝,享年95歲。他著述頗豐,包括《管理的實踐》、《卓有成效的管理者》、《管理:任務、責任和實踐》、《旁觀者》等幾十部著作,以30餘種文字出版,總銷售量超過600萬冊。他還曾7次獲得“麥肯錫獎”,2002年6月,獲得當年的“總統自由勳章”,這是美國公民所能獲得的最高榮譽。20世紀80年代,德魯克的思想被引入中國,2004年,德魯克管理學全面進入中國的管理教育領域。


                                                                                                彼得·德魯克書摘: 第一卷 本卷序言     這一卷的前三篇文章:《美國本質關乎政治》、《卡爾霍恩的多極主義》以及《亨利·福特:最後的平民主義者》是我為暫定名為《美國經驗》一書所做的準備。我曾計劃出版好多書,但是這其中的大部分我並沒有沒動筆去寫,或是沒有寫完。《美國經驗》計劃包括20余章,除第一章外,每一章講述一個典型人物,例如卡爾霍恩或福特。每一章展現並討論一種獨一無二的美國特質、價值觀,或者說是一種思想。而美國民眾往往在潛移默化中形成這樣的價值觀,影響著他們對社會、經濟、政府和政治的認識。例如,第二章將談到喬納森·愛德華茲,他是北美殖民時期最後一位偉大的清教牧師、美國最偉大的神學家,同時他也是最先提出美國式的國家與教會關係。與愛德華茲同時代的歐洲人,在18世紀啟蒙運動的影響下試圖將國家和獨掌大權的教會分離開來,以保護國家。而愛德華茲主張的分離卻是為了保護宗教免受政府和政治的侵害。這可以說明為什麼在美國沒有產生反教權論,並且在發達國家中只有美國成為特例,能夠具備最世俗的政府,同時也有著最具宗教色彩的社會。書的最後一章原擬題為《林肯:我們的信仰》,準備討論一下這樣一個事實及其意義:在所有的國家中,美國將一位政治家作為大眾敬仰的人物。     這本書一直也沒能完成,因為我對不斷多極化的社會中新型社會組織的興趣越來越濃厚,關注程度也越來越高。這其中首先當然是工商企業以及在新的社會功能下對於這些機構的管理。但是對於剛才討論的主題我從未失去興趣。這一卷的最後兩篇文章雖是多年之後完成的,但是也談的是美國經驗——關於美國社會和美國政治的社會學。

  Peter Drucker先生的存在的維度: Soren Kierkegaard 齊克果
One of the most knowledgable and also influential management theorists, the famouis, late Peter Drucker, had a few sentences as follows, which revealed his true diciplines: a multiple-diciplined philosopher:

For Kiekegaard, human existence is possible only in tension--in tension between man's simultaneous life as an individual in the spirit and as a citizen in society.

先生的這段引言出自Peter Drucker 先生1993的書:The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition (GOOGLE BOOKS可讀它) 。中譯《管理的新角色: 社會生態學視野下的美國 》北京:華夏,2011。翻譯多不附原文,所以末章章名為《 不入流的克爾凱郭爾》,英文為 The Unfashionable Kierkegaard,"無法



路加福音 (Luke ),第 14 章,25/26節:(有許多群眾與耶穌同行,耶穌轉身向他們說:)

"Faith is the highest passion in a man. There are perhaps many in every generation who do not even reach it, but no one gets further."
--from "Fear and Trembling" (1843) by Soren Kierkegaard
Now recognized as one of the nineteenth century's leading psychologists and philosophers, Kierkegaard was among other things the harbinger of exisentialisim. In Fear and Trembling he explores the psychology of religion, addressing the question 'What is Faith?' in terms of the emotional and psychological relationship between the individual and God. But this difficult question is addressed in the most vivid terms, as Kierkegaard explores different ways of interpreting the ancient story of Abraham and Isaac to make his point. Søren Kierkegaard not only ­trans­formed Protestant theology but also anticipated twentieth-century existentialism and provided it with many of its motifs. Fear and Trembling and The Book on Adler–addressed to a general audience–have the imaginative excitement and intense personal appeal of the greatest literature. Only Plato and Nietzsche have matched Kierkegaard’s ability to give ideas so compellingly vivid and dramatic a shape. Translated by Walter Lowrie.

Soren Kierkegaard: Google doodle marks 200th birthday of Danish philosopher, here's what you need to know about him

Kierkegaard is widely considered as the first existentialist philosopher and has influenced the likes of Albert Camus and Franz Kafka

Soren Kierkegaard: Happy birthday Soren, you're 200 today
Soren Kierkegaard: Happy birthday Soren, you're 200 today

Søren Kierkegaard's 200th birthday has been virtually marked with a Google doodle today.
The Danish philosopher - who died in November 1855 aged 42 - is widely considered as the first existentialist philosopher, with many of his works focusing on how life should be lived as a "single individual".
Consequently, his work often highlighted the importance of personal choice and commitment and of 'truth as subjectivity'.
The Google doodle depicts six characters - five of whom are holding outsized quills - spelling out the search engine giant's name. Two figures each have an arm outstretched, bent at the elbow, and have their heads held up as if contemplating something other than their task.
One of the characters also seems to be addressing the sixth figure, standing slightly away, who does not hold a quill.

 Kierkegaard, who was raised as a Lutheran, gained considerable fame for his work in the 1930s and has had an enduring influence on subsequent generations of philosophers and writers.
Just some of the artists was have been inspired and influenced by Kierkegaard's notions of angst, despair and the importance of the individual include Albert Camus, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, W.H Auden, Don DeLillo, Franz Kafka, J.D Salinger and Malcolm Muggeridge.

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