2016年1月25日 星期一

Rob Bilott 控訴杜邦公司PFOA污染達14年

  就在羅伯‧比洛特(Rob Bilott)準備成為塔夫特律師事務所(Taft Stettinius & Hollister)合夥人的幾個月前,接到了一通來自西維吉尼亞州帕克斯堡的農場主人維爾伯‧田納特(Wilbur Tennant)的電話。田納特告訴比洛特農場裡的牛隻一頭接一頭的陸續死亡,他認為這與杜邦公司(DuPont)在帕克斯堡附近建設的大型垃圾掩埋場脫不了關係。田納特試圖在當地尋求協助,但是杜邦公司在當地的勢力龐大,幾乎控制了整個小鎮,不只是當地律師不理會他,就連政治人物、記者、醫生和獸醫都不願幫忙。
  田納特生氣且激動用濃厚地阿巴拉契亞口音說著,比洛特則努力地釐清他說的話,要不是田納特脫口說出了比洛特祖母的名字,或許他早就掛掉電話了。比洛特的祖母阿爾瑪‧霍蘭‧懷特(Alma Holland White)一直以來都住在帕克斯堡北邊的郊區,比洛特從小就會在暑假去探望祖母,還會在附近的農場裡玩耍,這裡可說是充滿了童年回憶。而田納特的鄰居正好就是比洛特祖母的朋友,透過這層關係才找到了比洛特幫忙。
Local lawyer 'DuPont's worst nightmare'
Cincinnati11:22 a.m. EST January 7, 2016

(Photo: provided)

The New York Times Magazine this week profiles Cincinnati lawyer Rob Bilott.

The Taft Stettinius & Hollister lawyer has taken on the Wilmington,Del.-based chemical giant over pollution in West Virginia. At issue: a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA.

"Rob Bilott was a corporate defense attorney for eight years. Then he took on an environmental suit that would upend his entire career
— and expose a brazen, decades-long history of chemical pollution," reads the cover blurb.

Some highlights:

‘‘I started seeing a story,’’ Bilott said. ‘‘I may have been the first one to actually go through them all. It became apparent what was going on: They had known for a long time that this stuff was bad.’’

Bilott is given to understatement. (‘‘To say that Rob Bilott is understated,’’ his colleague Edison Hill says, ‘‘is an understatement.’’)

Bilott doesn’t regret fighting DuPont for the last 16 years, nor for letting PFOA consume his career. But he is still angry. ‘‘The thought that DuPont could get away with this for this long,’’ Bilott says, his tone landing halfway between wonder and rage, ‘‘that they could keep making a profit off it, then get the agreement of the governmental agencies to slowly phase it out, only to replace it with an alternative with unknown human effects — we told the agencies about this in 2001, and they’ve essentially done nothing. That’s 14 years of this stuff continuing to be used, continuing to be in the drinking water all over the country. DuPont just quietly switches over to the next substance. And in the meantime, they fight everyone who has been injured by it.’’


The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare



- 和揭露化學污染的厚顏無恥,長達數十年的歷史,“讀取封面導語。


“”我開始看到一個故事,“'Bilott說。 “”我可能是第一個真正通過他們所有。很顯然發生了什麼事情:他們已經知道了很長的時間,這個東西是不好的'“。

Bilott給予輕描淡寫。 (''如果說,羅布Bilott被低估“,”他的同事愛迪生希爾說,'是輕描淡寫。'')

Bilott不悔爭取杜邦在過去16年裡,也不是為了讓PFOA消耗他的職業生涯。但他還在生氣。 ''本以為杜邦可以逃脫這個這麼久,'Bilott說,他的語氣驚訝和憤怒之間的中途降落,'',他們可以不斷盈利掉,然後得到政府機構的協議慢慢地逐步出來,只能將其與未知的人類影響的另一種替代 - 我們說,在2001年這個機構,他們已經基本上做什麼。這是14年的這個東西繼續使用,繼續在飲用水全國各地。杜邦公司只是靜靜地切換到下一個物質。在此期間,他們打大家誰已經受傷了。'“


