2016年6月13日 星期一

Pepper, the humanoid robot from Aldebaran, Dalai Lama

 Dalai Lama 的相片
Dalai Lama
His Holiness the Dalai Lama reaching out to a robot on his way to lunch on the first day of his four day teaching in Osaka, Japan on May 10, 2016. (Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL)

AFP News Agency 分享了 1 條連結

His diction is still a little odd, and his movements sometimes a bit hesitant, but Pepper the robot is all geared up to help patients at two Belgian hospitals. Pepper is taking up reception duties at hospitals in Ostend and Liege, where…

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Pepper, the humanoid robot from Aldebaran, a genuine companion ...


We have designed Pepper to be a genuine day-to-day companion, whose number one quality is his ability to perceive emotions. Pepper is the first humanoid robot capable of recognising the principal human emotions and adapting his behaviour to the mood of his interlocutor.

【Les lundis de l’innovation - 法國創新的星期】
答案是,創造Pepper的法國新創公司 : Aldebaran。這家藏身巴黎巷弄的機器人公司,選擇金牛星座最亮的恒星Aldebaran作爲它的名字。Pepper 是全球第一個以陪伴為目的而設計,並實際投入一般消費市場的等身人形機器人。如果你有機會跟Pepper聊天,你會跟它說什麽 ?
La réponse était le nom de la société française qui l'a conçu : Aldebaran, du nom de l'étoile la plus brillante de la constellation du taureau. Il s'agit de la première entreprise française concevant des robots humanoïdes. La particularité du robot Pepper est qu'il est le premier robot à destination du grand public, capable de reconnaître les émotions et d'intéragir avec des humains. Que diriez-vous à Pepper si vous aviez l’opportunité de discuter avec lui ?
Qui est Pepper (français) https://www.ald.softbankrobotics.com/fr/cool-robots/pepper

Pepper is a social humanoid robot designed as a companion for the home. It was created by Aldebaran Robotics and SoftBank. Aldebaran's…

