2017年2月17日 星期五

How Marine Le Pen could win the French presidency. Jean-Marie Le Pen 'ashamed' his daughter Marine 遭女兒停權......

The leader of the Front National has led in polls for the first round of the election. No poll this year has suggested that she might win the second-round run-off on May 7th. But it could happen

She needs to win an absolute majority of votes cast

法國極右翼大老遭女兒停權 另組政團討面子
新頭殼newtalk |  編譯報導

最近被自己的親生女兒停止榮譽主席角色的法國極右翼政黨「國民陣線」(Front National)創建者勒龐(Jean-Marine Le Pen) 11日宣示,要創立1個新的政團。

英國《衛報》(the Guardian)於台灣時間12日報導,勒龐表示這個新的政團不會是1個政黨,也不會與他自己一手打造的「國民陣線」競爭,但將施加壓力,讓「國民陣線」回歸過去數十年政治路線。

老勒龐的女兒瑪麗安•勒龐(Marine Le Pen)在接替老爸帶領「國民陣線」後,藉由消除該黨的一些妖魔化形象而開拓許多票源。她在2011年上任後,便試圖消弭該黨的暴力行為,但仍然堅持反對移民、反伊斯蘭和反歐盟的強硬派民族主義綱領。





The latest act in the dynastic political psychodrama playing out in France: Jean-Marie Le Pen has been suspended from the far-right National Front party he founded back in 1972. Why are the Le Pens at war with each other? http://econ.st/1buiDpg

Why is the Le Pen family in the news?For the first time since Jean-Marie Le Pen founded the far-right National Front (FN) in 1972, the rambunctious French former...

France National Front: Jean-Marie Le Pen 'ashamed' his daughter has his name

  • 2 hours ago
  • From the sectionEurope

Jean-Marie Le Pen (left) and Marine Le Pen. Photo: 1 May 2015
Marine Le Pen (right) has made it clear she wants her father (left) out of politics
France's National Front party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen says he is "ashamed" his daughter - current party leader Marine - still bears his surname.
Amid a growing feud, Mr Le Pen said he hoped she "would get married as quickly as possible so as to change her name".
He added he would not support Marine in presidential elections in 2017.
His remarks came after the far-right party suspended Mr Le Pen, 86, after he repeated his view that the Holocaust was "a detail of history".
Marine Le Pen, 46, has been trying to steer the National Front (FN) away from its racist and anti-Semitic past.
Ms Le Pen's view is that FN's growth is being held back by memories of what it used to be, and that to move to the next level it must cut itself free from its past, the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris reports.

Grey line

French media on father-daughter feud

Dominique Albertini in Liberation notes that Marine Le Pen "dealt with the paternal problem in the most radical way."
Le Parisien goes further, saying that the move was the "denouement of an unprecedented political and family crisis" and describes her decision as "Oedipal".
But some regional papers say that Mr Le Pen could still be dangerous.
Patrice Chabanet in the Journal de la Haute-Marne warns Marine to guard against her father who "is not a man to be dictated to" and warns of his "capacity to do harm".
Laurent Bodin in L'Alsace agrees, saying that even outside the party, her father is a "thorn" in its side.

Grey line


Speaking to France's Europe 1 radio, Mr Le Pen said: "I was hoping that the president of the National Front would get married as quickly as possible so as to change her name.
"Because I'm ashamed that she has the same surname as me."
Asked if he would still be supporting his daughter in the presidential elections, Mr Le Pen answered: "Not for the moment."
Mr Le Pen has been suspended but not dismissed by the party - a decision he described as a "felony".
An extraordinary party congress is expected to be held within three months aimed at ending the function of honorary president - which Mr Le Pen has been holding since stepping down as leader in 2011.
Some commentators have suggested he could be more of a risk outside the party than within it.
Mr Le Pen still holds a seat in the European Parliament and a post as a regional councillor in the south of France.

Jean-Marie Le Pen

Jean-Marie Le Pen: A career in controversy
  • 1987 - First makes his infamous remarks describing the Holocaust as a "detail of history"
  • 1997 - Assaults rival Annette Peulvast-Bergeal during parliamentary election campaign
  • 2006 - One of many convictions for inciting racial hatred over inflammatory remarks about France's Muslim population
  • 2007 - Tells Le Monde newspaper "you can't dispute the inequality of the races"
  • 2015 - Repeats views on the Holocaust, prompting Marine Le Pen to accuse him of trying to "rescue himself from obscurity"

