2018年4月16日 星期一

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive.美國總統鬧劇何時了? 往事知多少:川普解僱FBI局長:TRUMP FIRES COMEY AS F.B.I. CHIEF. Did President Trump fire James Comey as part of a cover-up? DOJ Will Not File Charges in Clinton Email Case. F.B.I. Advises No Charges for Clinton


• 在ABC新闻周日播出对科米的采访后,特朗普总统重新恢复对前FBI局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)的攻击

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美國總統鬧劇何時了? 往事知多少:
Trump Asked Comey to End Flynn Inquiry
Ex-F.B.I. Director Documented Request in February Memo

Trump’s Tweets Put His Aides in Awkward Spot A1

H.R. McMaster is the latest administration official to find himself in an awkward position. The national security adviser had to revise his defense of the president’s unveiling of intelligence to Russian officials—all because of a Trump tweet.




Echoes of Watergate in Trump’s Decision

Mr. Trump’s move drew instant comparisons to President Richard M. Nixon’s firing of the special prosecutor looking into the so-called third-rate burglary that would eventually bring him down.


柯密(James Comey)日前出席聯邦眾議院情報委員會聽證會(AP) 美國總統川普9日突然痛下殺手,將聯邦調查局(FBI)局長柯密革職!柯密在去年美國總統大選中扮演極為敏感、極具爭議性的角色。一方面他在11月初投票前重啟民主黨候選人希拉蕊.柯林頓「電郵門」(Emailgate)事件的調查工作,重創希拉蕊的選情;另一方面,他也負責調查川普競選團隊是否與俄羅斯當局勾結,影響總統大選。 白宮方面表示,川普是在司法部長賽辛斯(Jeff Sessions)的建議之下將柯密(James Comey)解職,主要原因是他對希拉蕊的調查顯有處理不當,已經不再勝任局長的工作。柯密的解職令即日起立刻生效,川普也積極開始尋覓適當的新任局長人選。 但是民主黨陣營指控川普此舉是為了自保,真正原因是「川普團隊勾結俄羅斯當局」爭議這把火快要燒到川普本人,白宮絕不能再繼續讓柯密主導調查工作。 民主黨:「周末夜大屠殺」歷史重演 聯邦參議院民主黨領袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)形容,這起事件有如1973年10月23日「周末夜大屠殺」(Saturday Night Massacre)的翻版,當時尼克森總統為了...

Donald J. Trump can now pick his own man (or woman) to run the F.B.I., and this person will have the authority to close down the Russia investigation.

Trump’s firing of the F.B.I. director, James Comey, amounts to a premeditated and terrifying attack on our system of government.

Dismissal Raises Questions About Russian Investigation

  • James B. Comey, who is three years into a 10-year term, learned that he had been fired from news reports while addressing F.B.I. employees in Los Angeles.
  • President Trump said it was essential to restore “public trust and confidence” in the bureau.

James B. Comey last week during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington. CreditGabriella Demczuk for The New York Times

Did President Trump fire James Comey as part of a cover-up?

Image copyrightREUTERS

Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey caught Washington by complete surprise. No one - in Congress, in conservative circles, even in the FBI itself - seemingly had an inkling of what was in store.
As politicians and pundits survey the fallout, here are a few of the big questions they are likely to contemplate.

Was it a cover-up?

The abruptness and timing of Mr Comey's dismissal, to put it mildly, is highly suspicious.
Just over a week ago, the FBI director talked about his agency's investigation into Russian meddling in the US presidential election - and possible Russian ties to the Trump campaign - before a Senate committee.
He was scheduled to appear before Congress again to discuss "worldwide threats" on Thursday.
Mr Trump has been tweeting almost nonstop about how the allegations are a "hoax" and the investigations are a "taxpayer funded charade".

Now the man overseeing that investigation has been shown the door - by Mr Trump himself.

Media captionUS Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer: "Mr President, with all due respect, you're making a big mistake"

While the White House has said that the move is based on concerns over how Mr Comey handled last year's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, not many people - particularly Democrats - are buying that line.
They may recall last year, just a few days before election day, Mr Trump praising Mr Comey for his handling of the email inquiry.
"It took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they're trying to protect her from criminal prosecution," Mr Trump said at a campaign rally. "It took a lot of guts."
Mr Trump, it seems, has soured on the FBI director - and, according to the New York Times, had been seeking a reason to fire him for more than a week.
If the dismissal was because of the email investigation, why act now? How the Trump White House answers that question will go a long way toward determining whether the cover-up allegations die down over time.

No one in Washington -
in Congress,
in conservative circles,
even within the FBI itself - knew that James Comey was getting fired.

BREAKING: The United States Department of Justice will not file any charges against Hillary Clinton or anyone "within the scope of the investigation" into her use of personal email while Secretary of State.

(德國之聲中文網)美國聯邦調查局(FBI)局長詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)週二(7月5日)在華盛頓表示,聯邦調查局建議不對希拉里·克林頓進行起訴。
最終決定是否起訴希拉里·克林頓的是美國司法部長洛麗塔·林奇(Loretta Lynch)。此前她曾明確強調自己的獨立性。
  • 日期 05.07.2016
  • 作者 洪沙/文山(德新社、法新社)


Director Rebukes Her for ‘Extremely Careless’ Email Use

  • “No reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case over Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information as secretary of state, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said.
  • The agency’s finding will have an enormous impact on the presidential election.

Cliff Owen/Associated Press


Critique of Clinton Is a Ready-Made Attack Ad

The F.B.I. director all but indicted Mrs. Clinton’s judgment and competence in terms that would be devastating in a normal election year.

